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Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Climate data rescue 6: Annales du Service météorologique de l'Indochine (ASMI) |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.23708/SNBIV1 |
Distributor: |
DataSuds |
Date of Distribution: |
2024-07-21 |
Version: |
1 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Thomas, Frédéric; Nguyen, Tam Ngoc-Minh, 2024, "Climate data rescue 6: Annales du Service météorologique de l'Indochine (ASMI)",, DataSuds, V1 |
Citation |
Title: |
Climate data rescue 6: Annales du Service météorologique de l'Indochine (ASMI) |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.23708/SNBIV1 |
Authoring Entity: |
Thomas, Frédéric (UMR SENS, IRD, CIRAD, University Montpellier 3 - France) |
Nguyen, Tam Ngoc-Minh (University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH) - Vietnam) |
Producer: |
Service météorologique de l'Indochine |
Date of Production: |
1930-01-01 |
Grant Number: |
GEMMES Vietnam 2 |
Distributor: |
DataSuds |
Access Authority: |
THOMAS, Frédéric |
Depositor: |
Thomas, Frédéric |
Date of Deposit: |
2024-05-28 |
Date of Distribution: |
2028-01-01 |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, Climate history, Climate data rescue, Climate change, Meteorological data, Indochina, Colonial meteorology, Phu Lien, Observatoire central de Phu Lien, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos |
Topic Classification: |
Geography, environment and climatology |
Abstract: |
<h3><b>Contents of the ASMI</b></h3> <p>The Annales du Service Météorologique de l'Indochine is the third main journal of the French Indochinese Meteorological Service after the Bulletin Mensuel des Observations and the Bulletin Pluviométrique. The complete collection constitutes a set of 13 volumes published from 1930 to 1942 that is fully available in the National archives of Vietnam, Centre n°1, Hanoi and also in Météo France Trappes centre.</p> <p>The first year of edition (1930) published the data of 1928, and the last year of edition (1942) the ones of 1940. The first volume of 1930 also published the monthly averages of the period 1906-1928. The data of this period have of very high interest, since they are the most reliable data we have for this early period. Hence climate historians can consider this period 1906-1928 in the ASMI as a period of reference with reliable observations to observe the climate change in this part of the world in one century.</p> <p>The Annals are divided into 4 main parts:</p> <ol> <li>Climatology (that consists, each year, in a description of the network stations, and an overview of the year's weather in each country of the French Indochinese Union)</li> <li>Meteorological data from the Phu Liên central Observatory</li> <li>Meteorological data from the network stations</li> <li>Rainfall data</li> </ol> <p>The first part describes the station networks and equipment, giving a general description of the year's weather in the various countries of the Indochinese Union, reviewing the main data (temperature, rainfall, typhoons), and describing the influence of meteorological and climatic factors on indigenous agriculture and European agriculture in each country of the Union. The text contains numerous tables of important data, including the approximate geographical coordinates of all the weather, climate and rainfall stations in the network. The text also contains numerous maps of the network of different types of stations, as well as hypsometric maps.</p> <p>The second part, although entitled ‘daily observations’, actually gives the monthly averages of these daily data. The second part contains the following tables (the semicolon separations indicate the columns of data, the rows being the 12 months of the year)</p> <h3><b>Contents of the dataset</b></h3> <p>The present dataset contains the full 4 parts of the 13 volumes. Each year is divided into 4 files (pdf) corresponding to each part, so as to make it easier for users to access the part of interest to them.</p> <h3><b>Meteorological data coverage</b></h3> <p>1928-1940</p> |
Time Period: |
1906-01-01-1940-12-31 |
Date of Collection: |
2024-01-01-2024-05-01 |
Country: |
Viet Nam, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Geographic Bounding Box: |
Notes: |
<h3><b>Location of data collection</b></h3> Météo France center, Trappes <h3><b>Type of data</b></h3> Observational data <p>Most of the data are monthly means of various measurements of:</p> <ul> <li>Atmospheric pressure (P) at 0° and corrected at sea level</li> <li>Temperature (T) in the shade, at the surface of the soil</li> <li>Relative humidity (Hr) </li> <li>Air tension</li> <li>Vapour pressure (Pv) </li> <li>Visibility (V) </li> <li>Cloud cover (N) </li> <li>Wind direction (Wd) </li> <li>Wind strength (Ws) </li> <li>Insolation or solar radiation (I) </li> <li>Rainfall (R) </li> </ul> <p>The 2<sup>nd</sup> part “Monthly data from central observatory of Phu Lien” contains the following tables (the semicolon separations indicate the columns of data, the rows being the 12 months of the year):</p> <ul> <li>Atmospheric pressure at 0° and at sea level, in mm of mercury <ul> <li>Annual mean</li> <li>Monthly: deviation, mean of 1st minimum, mean of 1st maximum, mean of 2nd minimum, mean of 2nd maximum, mean amplitude of day and night-time, absolute maximum - absolute minimum, diurnal amplitude</li> <li>Climatological normal: absolute maximum, absolute minimum</li> </ul> </li> <li>Air temperature in the shade <ul> <li>Annual mean</li> <li>Monthly: deviation, mean of maximum, mean of minimum, diurnal amplitude, M+m/2 value + deviation, absolute maximum, absolute minimum, Ma-ma</li> <li>Climatological normal: mean of maximum, mean of minimum, diurnal amplitude, absolute maximum, absolute minimum</li> </ul> </li> <li>Temperature in the open air near the surface of the ground <ul> <li>Monthly: Mean of maximum, mean of minimum, diurnal amplitude, M+m/2, absolute maximum, absolute minimum, Ma-ma</li> <li>Climatological normal: M+m/2, normal absolute maximum, normal absolute minimum</li> </ul> </li> <li>Relative humidity in % <ul> <li>Monthly: mean, mean of diurnal maximum, mean of diurnal minimum, mean of maximum, mean of minimum, mean of amplitude</li> <li>Climatological normal: normal mean, normal absolute minimum</li> </ul> </li> <li>Air pressure in mm <ul> <li> Monthly mean</li> <li>Climatological normal: normal mean</li> </ul> </li> <li>Evaporation under shelter in mm <ul> <li>Monthly: total in night-time, total in day-time, total, diurnal mean, absolute diurnal maximum, absolute diurnal minimum</li> <li>Climatological normal: normal total, normal total absolute minimum, normal total absolute maximum</li> </ul> </li> <li>Evaporation in the open air in mm: Total night-time, total day-time, diurnal total, absolute diurnal maximum, absolute diurnal minimum </li> <li>Wind in km or km/h <ul> <li>Monthly: Total travelled path, mean diurnal travelled path, final direction, direction, travelled path, duration, mean speed</li> <li>Climatological normal: total travelled path, normal prevailing direction</li> </ul> </li> <li>Transparency of the atmosphere: Number of days when visibility below 1000 m was observed at: 6am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm</li> <li>Insolation in hours <ul> <li>Monthly: Total, day mean, day maximum, number of days without sun</li> <li>Climatological normal: normal total, normal diurnal mean</li> </ul> </li> <li>Intensity of solar radiation in or degrees <ul> <li>Centigrade: Mean black-bulb - t‘, mean white-bulb - t, t’-t, normal mean t'-t 1907-1928</li> <li>Actinometric centesimal: mean, normal mean 1907-1928, maximum, minimum</li> </ul> </li> <li>Cloud cover scale from 1 to 4 or 0 to 10</li> <li>Rainfall in mm for night-time, day-time, diurnal <ul> <li>Monthly: Accumulated of precipitation, maximum, total number of rainy days, total number of days with trace, precipitation duration</li> <li>Climatological normal: normal total, normal maximum, normal minimum, normal number of days</li> </ul> </li> <li>Miscellaneous observations</li> </ul> <p> The 3<sup>rd</sup> part devoted to data from weather and climate stations in the Indochinese network, publishes the following data:</p> <ul> <li>Atmospheric pressure at 0°C for the meteorological stations: 1st min, 1st Max, 2nd min, 2nd Max, mean, mean amplitude day time oscillation, mean amplitude night time oscillation, Max abs, min abs</li> <li>Air temperature in the shade for meteorological and climatic stations <ul> <li>Monthly: mean of maximum M, mean of minimum m, amplitude, M+m/2</li> <li>Climatological normal: mean, mean maximum, mean minimum, absolute maximum, absolute minimum, M+m/2</li> </ul> </li> <li>Relative humidity for meteorological and climatic stations: mean at 10 am, mean at 4 pm <li>Cloudiness for meteorological and climatic stations: (0 to 4) mean at 10 am, mean at 4 pm </li> <li>Wind meteorological and climatic stations: prevailing direction, mean strength</li> <li>Rainfall meteorological and climatic stations <ul> <li>Monthly: night-time, day-time, total, min, total number of rainy days</li> <li>Climatological normal: mean total, maximum, minimum, diurnal maximum 8h -16h, diurnal maximum, total number of rainy days</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> The 4<sup>th</sup> part lastly focuses on pluviometric network:</p> <ul> <li>Amount of rain in mm (night-time; day-time; total, number of rainy days</li> <li>Climatological normal: normal total, normal maximum, normal minimum, maximum diurnal, number of rainy days) </li> </ul> <p><b>NB:</b> Time period of the climatological normal (CN)</p> <ul> <li>Phu Liên: The starting year is 1907 and the ending year is updated annually.</li> <li>Weather and climate stations in the Indochinese network: the time period varies according to each station, so there is no uniform time period.</li> <li>Pluviometric network: the time period varies according to each station, so there is no uniform time period.</li> </ul> </ul> <h3><b>Tree structure</b></h3> <ol> <li>Organization of the service & overview of the monthly weather</li> <li>Monthly data from central observatory of Phu Liên</li> <li>Monthly data from meteorological and climatic station network</li> <li>Monthly pluviometric data</li> </ol> <h3> <b>Number of stations </b> </h3> <ul> <li>Central Observatory of Phu Liên (1) </li> <li>Meteorological stations (26 in 1928; 56 in 1940) </li> <li>Climatic stations (55 in 1928; 62 in 1940) </li> <li>Pluviometric stations (255 in 1928; 547 in 1940) </li> </ul> |
Methodology and Processing |
Sources Statement |
Origins of Sources: |
Archives nationales du Vietnam, Centre n°1, Hanoi |
Data Access |
Notes: |
Only members of the GEMMES Vietnam programme are currently authorized to download files for the duration of the project. At the end of the project, in July 2027, all the files in this database will be downloadable free of charge under a Creative Common CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence. |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Publications |
Citation |
Title: |
Étienne Bruzon (dir), <em>Annales du Service Météorologique de l'Indochine</em>, Indochine Française, Service météorologique, Phu-Liên : Observatoire central de l'Indochine, 1928-1940, 13 volumes, 1930-1940 |
Identification Number: | |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Étienne Bruzon (dir), <em>Annales du Service Météorologique de l'Indochine</em>, Indochine Française, Service météorologique, Phu-Liên : Observatoire central de l'Indochine, 1928-1940, 13 volumes, 1930-1940 |
Label: |
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