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Sep 9, 2024
Millet, Claude Patrick; Delahaie, Boris; Georget, Frederic; Allinne, Clémentine; Solano Sánchez, William; Zhang, Dapeng; Jeune, Wesly; Toniutti, Lucile; Poncet, Valérie, 2024, "SNP Genotyping data for Guadeloupean and Haitian coffee trees", https://doi.org/10.23708/MRPVHL, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:TVDscn+pMTNyylMj+Q8dqA== [fileUNF]
The West Indies, particularly former French colonies like Haiti and Guadeloupe, were central to the spread of coffee in the Americas. The histories of these Islands are shared until the XIXth century, where they diverged significantly. Still, both Islands experienced a strong dec...
Nov 29, 2023
Millet, Claude Patrick; Allinne, Clémentine; Vi, Tram; Marraccini, Pierre; Verleysen, Lauren; Couderc, Marie; Ruttink, Tom; Zhang, Dapeng; Solano Sánchez, William; Christine, Tranchant-Dubreuil; Jeune, Wesly; Poncet, Valérie, 2023, "Genotyping data for field samples from Haitian coffee agroforestry systems and international collection accessions", https://doi.org/10.23708/T6YZML, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:4wzzOYlt0nsxd5jgI0e5Eg== [fileUNF]
Though facing significant challenges, Coffee (Coffea arabica) grown in Haitian agroforestry systems are important contributors to rural livelihoods and provide several ecosystem services. There has been little work done on their genetic diversity and the variety mixtures used, an...
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