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Sep 27, 2024
Adji, Beda-Innocent; Chakocha Ngandjui, Armel Franklin; Guibien Cléophas Zerbo; Marie Louise Avana Tientcheu; Hardy, Olivier; Mariac, Cédric; Duminil, Jérôme, 2024, "Data on the Genetic Diversity Study of the African Olive (Canarium schweinfurthii, Burseraceae) in Africa for Climate Change Adaptation", https://doi.org/10.23708/GWRGBC, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:j8ybPdLmWqOvh7eHYFEd2A== [fileUNF]
In Africa, the decline of numerous tree species due to rapid population growth, deforestation, and climate change is a major concern. Several native multi-purpose agroforestry species are at risk of losing genetic diversity, which may lead to their extinction. This is the case fo... |
Jul 12, 2023
Kaczmarek, Thomas; Causse, Sandrine; Abdul, Suleiman Dangana; Abraham, Solomon; Achigan-Dako, Enoch G.; Adje, Charlotte; Adjebeng-Danquah, Joseph; Agyare, Richard Y.; Akanvou, Louise; Bakasso, Yacoubou; Barry, Mamadou B.; Bonsu, Samuel K.; Calatayud, Caroline; Conde, Soukeye; Couderc, Marie; Dachi, Stephen N.; Diallo, T; Diop, Baye M.; Deu, Monique; Gueye, Mame C.; Ibrahim Bio Yerima, Abdou R.; Issah, Abdul R; Kane, Ndjido Ardo; Kombiok, James M.; Ngom, Ablaye; Noyer, Jean-Louis; Olodo, Katina; Oselebe, Happiness O.; Pham, Jean-Louis; Picquet, Marie; Puozaa, Doris K.; Rivallan, Ronan; Saidou, Sani; Sekloka, Emmanuel; Tengey, Theophilus K.; Uyoh, Edak; Vancoppenolle, Sylvie; Vigouroux, Yves; Zekraoui, Leila; Leclerc, Christian; Barnaud, Adeline; Billot, Claire, 2023, "Genetic diversity assessment of 1539 fonio (Digitaria exilis) accessions in West Africa: SSRs data", https://doi.org/10.23708/TX5DE2, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:3fJ9FCQhz8EPtGubWUVcZA== [fileUNF]
Neglected and under-utilized species represent important genetic resources and untapped reservoirs of diversity to address global food and nutrition challenges. Characterizing the extent of their genetic diversity and making it available is of prime importance to their wider use... |