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Mar 15, 2021 - Rain Cell project in Mali
Alcoba Kait, Matias; Noumaguel, Nogmana; Cazenave, Frederic, 2021, "Rainfall dataset of the May 16 2019 flood event in Bamako, Mali", https://doi.org/10.23708/ZI0ONV, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:NIECVHQc45Z8Ir42IELI/Q== [fileUNF]
On May 16 2019, an intense rainfall event led to devastating floods in Bamako, Mali. The Early Flood Warning System (EWS) Rain Cell app Bamako was partially operational. 6 rain gauges, spread over the city, recorded and sent rainfall intensities in real time. This text file conta... |