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1 to 10 of 14 Results
Programme hydraulique Via Sahel en pays Dogon, plaine du Séno-Gondo,  frontière Mali Burkina-Faso logo
Dec 8, 2022UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
Programme hydraulique Via Sahel en pays Dogon, plaine du Séno-Gondo, frontière Mali Burkina-Faso L’ONG Via Sahel a financé, depuis 1997, le creusement de 233 puits modernes. Au fil des ans, l’ONG a rencontré des difficultés liées à la nature du sol qui semble présenter, à certain...
Reunion Island (La Réunion) logo
Jul 29, 2022Partnerships
The IRD office in La Réunion opened in 1987 to implement the first marine environment monitoring program linked to the growth of tuna fishing in the Indian Ocean. The teams have now grown to organize and implement various research programmes connected with the territory’s issues....
Published in CIRAD Dataverse logo
Jan 27, 2022UMR AMAP
All digital objects listed and linked below are harvested from the collection "AMAP" of the repository "CIRAD Dataverse". These digital objects (datasets, codes, reports, ...) were curated by CIRAD Dataverse support team.
Published in Recherche Data Gouv logo
Jan 24, 2022UMR AMAP
All digital objects listed and linked below are harvested from collections of the repository "Recherche Data Gouv" (including "AMAP" collection and others). These digital objects (datasets, codes, reports, guides, articles...) are provided as they are: they have not been reviewed...
Data collected as part of M-TROPICS based research projects logo
Jul 13, 2021
This collection contains data that have been collected as part of research projects that benefited from the scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the CZO Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS). M-TROPICS consists of the merging of two previously-existing Critica...
Benin logo
Sep 16, 2020Partnerships
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