1 to 10 of 42 Results
Feb 13, 2025Pole SAND
TAckling Multiple forms of Malnutrition In Ethiopia amongst women of reproductive age and children under five Increasing evidence shows that undernutrition and overweight/obesity co-exist, affecting countries, households, and individuals. This phenomenon has been labelled the ‘do... |
Jul 21, 2024Climate data rescue of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
Collection A of the ‘Climate data rescue of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos’ database contains all the meteorological data published between 1890 and 1973 in various general or meteorological journals from the colonial and post-colonial periods. 1. Annales du Bureau Central Météorolog... |
May 23, 2024Vietnam
Accronyme : Climate Data Rescue This database brings together in a single data warehouse all the meteorological data produced during the colonial period in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos by the French Navy and military hospitals at the end of the 19th century, and by the Indochina Me... |
May 14, 2024UMR PRODIG
Pour faire face à la vulnérabilité de la capitale péruvienne suite à un séisme, le projet Sirad (Sistema de Información sobre Recursos para la Atención de Desastres en Lima y Callao) a été mené entre avril 2010 et février 2011 par l’équipe Pacivur (Programme andin de formation et... |
Sep 21, 2023UMR EGCE
UNDERSTANDING AND ANTICIPATING MECHANISMS OF HONEY BEE COLONY MORTALITY WITH CONNECTED BEEHIVES BeeConnected aims at understanding mechanisms underlying winter mortality risk of honeybee colonies and to identify early-warning indicators that could help beekeepers limiting colony... |
Aug 29, 2023UMR MIVEGEC
Malaria control : Improving access to pREventive, diAgnostical and CuraTive arsenal among rural and vulnerable communities (REACT2 project) The fight against malaria faces now the challenge of the emergence and expansion of the resistance to both curative (treatment) and preventi... |
Aug 3, 2023Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project (MCRMP) aimed to map coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological thematic scales using Landsat satellite images at 30 m spatial resolution. The 5-level hierarchical classification scheme implemented by MCRMP identified at Level 2 ‘Atolls’ a... |
Aug 3, 2023UMR Entropie
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. |
Jul 19, 2023
Dialogue Science-Decision-Makers for the Integrated Management of the Coastal and Marine Environment Integrate scientific knowledge into decision-making for coastal and marine management in the Western Indian Ocean (Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, T... |