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1 to 10 of 14 Results
Dec 12, 2024 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Roux, Emmanuel, 2024, "Population of French Guiana-Brazil cross-border localities (2015 - 2016)",, DataSuds, V1
Number of inhabitants for the main localities and the main neighborhoods of the cities of Oiapoque (Brazil) and Saint-Georges-de-l'Oyapock (French Guiana), at the French Guiana - Brazil border. Fields: loc_name: Locality or neighborhood name, among {Benoá, Amomi, Manga, Kumenê, C...
Sep 4, 2023 - ORIESA
Zahiri, Eric; Seguis, Luc; Kacou, Modeste; Kamagaté, Bamory; Dao, Amidou; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi, Serge Ehouman; Guilliod, Maurice; Dutremble, Clément, 2021, "5 minutes rainfall in Abidjan district (Côte d'Ivoire) (2015-)",, DataSuds, V6, UNF:6:INoaIN6JfwMrvpZhooU4/A== [fileUNF]
5-minutes rainfall from 21 pluviographs located in the District of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) The rain is recorded with tipping buckets rain gauge (tilting of the bucket for 0.5mm) Précis Mécanique® (rain interception cone 1.5m from the ground and with an area equal to 400 cm2). Tippi...
Aug 31, 2023 - ORIESA
Zahiri, Eric; Seguis, Luc; Kacou, Modeste; Kamagate, Bamory; Dao, Amidou; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi, Serge Ehouman; Guilliod,Maurice; Dutremble, Clément, 2021, "Daily rainfall in Abidjan district (Côte d'Ivoire) (2015-)",, DataSuds, V8, UNF:6:sG57ExU/kdBAVS+xCNDwpg== [fileUNF]
Daily rainfall from 21 pluviographs located in the District of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) The daily rain is recorded with tipping buckets rain gauge (tilting of the bucket for 0.5mm) Précis Mécanique® (rain interception cone 1.5m from the ground and with an area equal to 400 cm2). Tip...
Aug 18, 2023 - UMI TransVIHMI
Cames, Cecile; Diack, Aminata, 2023, "24-month virological outcomes in Senegalese children and adolescents participating in a standardised HIV status disclosure intervention: data and documentation",, DataSuds, V1
Collected in Senegal from 2015 to 2020, the dataset comprises 169 patients (subjects), children and adolescents living with HIV since childhood, and 250 demographic, psychosocial and virological descriptive variables. The data are longitudinal in nature, since for each patient th...
Mar 24, 2023 - LMI PathoBios
Billard, Estelle; Thomas, Emilie; Perez, Manon; Boyer, Pascaline; Tollenaere, Charlotte, 2023, "Pathogenic diversity of rice yellow mottle virus isolates from western Burkina Faso (2015-2021): phenotypic evaluation data",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:s6z/ab1uEzE8BGyoZ906Dw== [fileUNF]
The rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) constitutes a major threat to the actual development of rice cultivation in Africa. As climate change and agricultural intensification increase the risk of epidemics, there is an urgent need to understand the spatio-temporal dynamics of RYMV at...
Mar 23, 2023 - LMI PathoBios
Barro, Mariam; Sérémé, Drissa; Bangratz, Martine; Kassankogno, Itolou Abalo; Wonni, Issa; Poulicard, Nils; Tollenaere, Charlotte, 2023, "Yellow mottle disease epidemiology: RYMV specific detection in field-collected leaves from western Burkina Faso (2015-2019)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:QdAkQ0xLZwp669pBgerjJg== [fileUNF]
This project aims at a better understanding of yellow mottle disease epidemiology, both at the regional level, by comparing irrigated areas to rainfed lowland rice, and at the within-field level. The study area is located in western Burkina Faso, in a 100x100kms region within the...
May 19, 2022 - UMR iEES-Paris
Rajot, J.L.; Labiadh, M.T.; Bouet, C.; Pierre, C.; Abdourhamane Touré, A.; Henry des Tureaux, T.; Ltifi, M.; Sekrafi, S., 2022, "Wind erosion flux, meteorology, soil roughness, and crop characteristics collected on a barley field in Dar Dhaoui (Tunisia) during 2015-2016",, DataSuds, V1
Data distributed here are part of the data acquired in Dar Dhaoui (southern Tunisia) during the 2015-2016 agricultural year. The objective of the experiment was to document wind erosion and its drivers on a traditionally cultivated barley field. The distributed data document 1) t...
Mar 14, 2022 - Savane de Lamto - LMI Ecologie et Développement Durable
Koffi, K.F.; N’Dri, A.B.; Lata, J-C.; Konaté, S.; Srikanthasamy, T.; Konaré, S.; Konan, M.; Barot, S., 2022, "Mortality of the Lamto (Ivory Coast) humid savanna perennial grass species between 2015 to 2016 according to the circumference of individuals and different fire regimes",, DataSuds, V1
These data represent the mortality of tussocks of perennial grass submitted since 2013 to four fire treatments: no fire, early fire (November fire), mid-season fire (January fire) and fire late (March fire). They were collected in 2016, on individuals previously marked in 2015, o...
Apr 22, 2021 - LMI PathoBios
Barro, Mariam; Tollenaere, Charlotte; Wonni, Issa; Kassankogno, Itolou Abalo; Sereme, Drissa, 2021, "Spatiotemporal survey of major rice diseases in western Burkina Faso",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:cOi1B77EUelpAGcUzEjhog== [fileUNF]
The study area is located in western Burkina Faso, in a 100x100kms region within the three provinces Houet, Kénédougou and Comoé, in the sudanian bioclimatic area. Major study sites correspond to three geographical zone (Bama, Banzon and Karfiguela), each of these zones presentin...
Feb 2, 2021 - ORIESA
Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi Jean Thierry; Séguis Luc; Goné Droh Lanciné; Yéo Marthe; Seidel Jean-Luc; Kamagaté Bamory, 2021, "Water Quality - Aghien Lagoon and its catchment (Ivory Coast) (2015-2016)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:5uk+T4Rw430/3M9xTEsvhw== [fileUNF]
Measurement campaigns of the water quality of the Aghien Lagoon and its main tributaries between 2015 and 2016, carried out under the program "The Aghien lagoon: a sustainable source of drinking water for the city of Abidjan? (2015-2018)" Nine Excel data files corresponding to th...
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