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1 to 10 of 14 Results
Plain Text - 2.6 KB - MD5: ebd5cdc3bafd772102c929b24653d4d6
Overall description of the dataset of The Tunisian Health Examination Survey-2016
Adobe PDF - 594.5 KB - MD5: 6d85a3a9317d7ad4ce931762defa7880
Template of Data Use Agreement (to be adapted according to specific data requests)
Tabular Data - 14.8 MB - 1051 Variables, 5079 Observations - UNF:6:BSYa//BqTK6vQjaPVCHnqw==
Database of the Household questionnaire of the Tunisian Health Examination Survey-2016, CSV version
Tabular Data - 10.2 MB - 1051 Variables, 5079 Observations - UNF:6:5RbnF/IFwAi/uoS5aj7H/Q==
Database of the Household questionnaire of the Tunisian Health Examination Survey-2016, SPSS version
Tabular Data - 58.1 KB - 3 Variables, 1051 Observations - UNF:6:nFHxBe3frBTAz05B5HGWXg==
Data dictionary of the Household questionnaire of the Tunisian Health Examination Survey-2016, CSV version
Adobe PDF - 923.7 KB - MD5: 116ce80efb4c90b57db6a5a51bfc99b5
Household questionnaire of THES-2016 Survey (informed consent form included), Arabic version
Adobe PDF - 1.0 MB - MD5: d74fcb93e02508c0cfba201620995e54
Household questionnaire of THES-2016 Survey (informed consent form included), English version.
Tabular Data - 30.4 MB - 749 Variables, 9212 Observations - UNF:6:olCO8JgOH/QiKF2HQj69EA==
Database of the individual questionnaire of the Tunisian Health Examination Survey-2016, CSV version
Tabular Data - 16.2 MB - 749 Variables, 9212 Observations - UNF:6:n6Xzf1mXX89DHBXAJ2+gKg==
Database of the individual questionnaire of the Tunisian Health Examination Survey-2016, SPSS version
Tabular Data - 48.5 KB - 3 Variables, 758 Observations - UNF:6:ALztQ/muo7sF7vYXVytixA==
Data dictionary of the individual questionnaire of the Tunisian Health Examination Survey-2016, CSV version.
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