Institute of Environmental Geosciences

The research unit IGE is one of the main laboratories of the Observatory of Sciences of the Universe from Grenoble. The IGE conducts research on climate, the water cycle, the cryosphere, and natural and man-made environments. This research aims to better understand the processes that govern the functioning of different geophysical environments.
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May 13, 2024
Rodrigues Do Amaral, Francisco; Camenen, Benoit; Nguyen, Trung Tin; Tran, Anh Tu; Pellarin, Thierry; Gratiot, Nicolas, 2024, "Water discharge and water level output from the MAGE 1D hydrodynamic model for the Saigon and Dongnai rivers, Vietnam, 2016-2022",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:PGOnzXhvk15rYLhlrVTmig== [fileUNF]
This dataset is the result of a publication that explores calibration strategies and operational implications of 1D hydrodynamic modeling using the Mage code in the Saigon-Dongnai system in Vietnam. Three calibration approaches for the Mage model are evaluated, and coupling with...
Plain Text - 1.5 KB - MD5: 252fed996aee97b36f7db50c9fc0fa83
Dataset citation, description and terms of use.
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Read me file with information about these model output data.
Tabular Data - 17.2 MB - 33 Variables, 57552 Observations - UNF:6:dwNL6YzVN0aeWP+1I7IkNA==
DataTime Series
Water discharge output [m^3/s] for the Dongnai River from MAGE-HQ.
Tabular Data - 17.1 MB - 33 Variables, 57552 Observations - UNF:6:Ox/FFyPvyto0vqjW+S2Rcw==
DataTime Series
Water discharge output [m^3/s] for the Dongnai River from MAGE-H.
Tabular Data - 17.4 MB - 33 Variables, 57552 Observations - UNF:6:z6amedsWBVpf9rrgw9JUZg==
DataTime Series
Water discharge output [m^3/s] for the Dongnai River from MAGE-Q.
Tabular Data - 5.2 MB - 5 Variables, 57551 Observations - UNF:6:ugvNmMk5lTQu28LIA4vpzA==
DataTime Series
Water discharge output [m^3/s] for the Dongnai River from MS<-MAGE-HQ.
Tabular Data - 5.2 MB - 5 Variables, 57551 Observations - UNF:6:ha/1qEzMTbgnkKgpU6p8rw==
DataTime Series
Water discharge output [m^3/s] for the Dongnai River from MS<-MAGE-H.
Tabular Data - 11.8 MB - 34 Variables, 57552 Observations - UNF:6:FoV4F/vo5oscMCMQSTI5TQ==
DataTime Series
Water level output [m] for the Dongnai River from MAGE-HQ.
Tabular Data - 11.8 MB - 34 Variables, 57552 Observations - UNF:6:pnfgc1JfD7YVE1a+ZwzNYQ==
DataTime Series
Water level output [m] for the Dongnai River from MAGE-H.
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