Number of inhabitants for the main localities and the main neighborhoods of the cities of Oiapoque (Brazil) and Saint-Georges-de-l'Oyapock (French Guiana), at the French Guiana - Brazil border. Fields:
- loc_name: Locality or neighborhood name, among {Benoá, Amomi, Manga, Kumenê, Centro de Oiapoque, Planalto, Clevelândia do Norte, Trois Palétuviers, Paraíso, Kunanã, Ariramba, Japiim, Vila do Taparabó, Huaha, Crikou, Açaizal, Nova Esperança, Universidade, Nova União, Centre de St-Georges, Galibi, Village Blondin, Vila Vitória, Infraero, Espírito Santo, Kumarumã, Maripa, Adimo, Esperance 3 - Savane, Onozo}
- cluster: Cluster to which the locality belongs to (see Mosnier et al., 2020)
- country_name: Country name
- country_code: Country code (ISO 3166-2)
- state_region_name: Name of the state (for Brazil) or region (for France)
- state_region_shortname: Short name of the state (for Brazil) or region (for France) (ISO 3166-2)
- state_region_code: Code of the state (for Brazil) or region (for France), according to IBGE and INSEE, respectively
- mun_name: Municipality name
- mun_code: Municipality code, according to IBGE and INSEE for Brazil and France, respectively
- population: Number of inhabitants
- pop_year: Year of population estimation
- pop_source: Information source: FUNAI: Fundação Nacional do Índio, Brazil; SIVEP-Malária: Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Malária, Brazil; CDPS: Off-site Centers for Prevention and Care, Cayenne Hospital, French Guiana
- ethnicity: Ethnic group
The dataset was used for malaria incidence calculation in: Mosnier, E., Dusfour, I., Lacour, G. et al. Resurgence risk for malaria, and the characterization of a recent outbreak in an Amazonian border area between French Guiana and Brazil. BMC Infect Dis 20, 373 (2020). (see article Additional file 1) (2024-12-04)
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