Madagascar rural observatory surveys, a longitudinal dataset on household living conditions 1995-2015: microdata and documentation

Version 1.0
Madagascar rural observatory surveys, a longitudinal dataset on household living conditions 1995-2015: microdata and documentation
Andrianjafindrainibe, Velomalala Solo; Andrianirina, Nicole; Bédécarrats, Florent; Droy, Isabelle; Dubois, Jean-Luc; De Montalembert, Jeanne; Rabevohitra, Bako Nirina; Rafidimanana, Rolland; Rasolofo, Patrick; Ratovoarinony, Raphaël; Ratsaramiarina, Lalasoa Anjarafara Onivola; Ravelonandro, Jean Dieudonné; Razanamavo, Voahirana; Razafindrakoto, Mireille; Rivolala, Bezaka; Roubaud, François; Saint-Macary, Camille, 2024, "Madagascar rural observatory surveys, a longitudinal dataset on household living conditions 1995-2015: microdata and documentation",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:N5CQnijcO+h7Tm2WLiyH2g== [fileUNF]
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The ROS microdata may be used only for the purpose of statistical reporting and analysis, and only for your registered research. To use the data for another purpose, a new research project must be registered. All ROS microdata data should be treated as confidential, and no effort should be made to identify any household or individual respondent interviewed in the survey. Also, be aware that re-distribution of any ROS micro-level data is not permitted.
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Andrianjafindrainibe, Velomalala Solo et al. 2024. “Madagascar rural observatory surveys, a longitudinal dataset on household living conditions 1995-2015.” Scientific Data (Submitted).
Bibtex format below:
    title = {Madagascar rural observatory surveys, a longitudinal dataset on household living conditions 1995-2015},
    number = {Submitted},
    journal = {Scientific Data},
    author = {Andrianjafindrainibe, Velomalala Solo and Andrianirina, Nicole and Bédécarrats, Florent and Droy, Isabelle and Dubois, Jean-Luc and de Montalembert, Jeanne and Rabevohitra, Bako Nirina and Rafidimanana, Roland and Rasolofo, Patrick and Ratovoarinony, Raphaël and Ratsaramiarina, Lalasoa Anjarafara Onivola and Ravelonandro, Jean-Dieudonné and Razanamavo, Voahirana and Razafindrakoto, Mireille and Rivolala, Bezaka and Roubaud, François and Saint-Macary, Camille},
    year = {2024},
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