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11 to 20 of 47 Results
Shape - 204 B - MD5: 565f80c6c8f36e5d9654f3a543da976f
Land-use map shapefile associated file
Tabular Data - 6.6 KB - 25 Variables, 67 Observations - UNF:6:HSxEScUjwYungyrHcg4SLA==
Escherichia coli, stanol, and total suspended sediment concentrations at the outlet of the station BLS
Tabular Data - 38.7 KB - 20 Variables, 252 Observations - UNF:6:vbdBgtYc7vTNjeCaLx2KhQ==
DonnéesTime Series
Monthly input of Escherichia coli within the Houay Pano headwater catchment
Tabular Data - 2.6 KB - 9 Variables, 32 Observations - UNF:6:sdxAELViIGtKXnoiJKaErA==
Escherichia coli concentrations (CSV format)
Tabular Data - 1.1 KB - 3 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:Hm/bVeWTfgEmf91XbC8h2w==
Data dictionary
Tabular Data - 970 B - 15 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:P6Dh6KKhyB4M0UfUGp+KPg==
Escherichia coli concentrations and physico-chemical measurements (CSV format)
Tabular Data - 145.5 KB - 18 Variables, 1131 Observations - UNF:6:91Wonu6LJ5TGzD00kLLTxQ==
DataTime Series
Escherichia coli concentrations and physico-chemical measurements (CSV format)
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