31 to 40 of 61 Results
Tabular Data - 994 B - 3 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:Jg7OpTferM2SOe9kbQs7/Q==
Data dictionary |
Tabular Data - 6.6 KB - 18 Variables, 58 Observations - UNF:6:bEdFuW5Ri75YRvd4kiLtFQ==
Escherichia coli concentrations and physico-chemical measurements (CSV format) |
Tabular Data - 994 B - 3 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:Jg7OpTferM2SOe9kbQs7/Q==
Data dictionary |
Tabular Data - 994 B - 3 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:Jg7OpTferM2SOe9kbQs7/Q==
Data dictionary |
Jun 15, 2021 - Data collected as part of M-TROPICS - UMR GET
Nakhle, Paty; Boithias, Laurie; Pando-Bahuon, Anne; Thammahacksa, Chanthamousone; Gallion, Nicolas; Sounyafong, Phabvilay; Silvera, Norbert; Latsachack, Keooudone; Soulileuth, Bounsamay; Rochelle-Newall, Emma; Marcangeli, Yoan; Pierret, Alain; Ribolzi, Olivier, 2021, "Concentrations of Escherichia coli, total suspended sediment, and dissolved organic carbon, turbidity, and environmental variables measured in 2019 in a headwater wetland in the Houay Pano catchment, northern Lao PDR", https://doi.org/10.23708/E52ZTX, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:d8uzxIHWh1R+yXoLlxphpg== [fileUNF]
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Lao PDR, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the Multiscale TROPIcal C... |
Tabular Data - 3.1 KB - 4 Variables, 25 Observations - UNF:6:LIKd/D4Rf6H9BpkLtwMYJA==
Data dictionary: variable name, unit, variable description |
Tabular Data - 6.7 KB - 11 Variables, 105 Observations - UNF:6:ALjFZYFzJ3ElC2onqUKAUA==
Data of Escherichia coli concentrations (MPN 100 mL-1) for both total and free-living bacteria with upper and lower limits of the confidence interval, total suspended sediment concentration (g L-1), turbidity (NTU), and dissolved organic carbon concentration (µM C) |
Tabular Data - 6.3 KB - 2 Variables, 304 Observations - UNF:6:CmoeSmaaOljjLIB89MT9Gw==
Rainfall (mm mn-1) |
Tabular Data - 14.1 KB - 5 Variables, 481 Observations - UNF:6:nHI9lU8IEsMSqqh0k3OGnw==
Solar radiation (W m-2) in the surrounding vegetation at 380, 100, and 3 cm height above water surface, and inside mesocosms |
Tabular Data - 61.3 KB - 4 Variables, 1790 Observations - UNF:6:yFpJ28vH+6EP90H7isEojg==
Temperature (°C) in the air, the water, and the sediment |