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Nov 25, 2023
Thibeaux, Roman; Genthon, Pierre; Selmaoui, Nazha; Kianiu, Maina; Soupé-Gilbert, Marie Estelle; Govan, Rodrigues; Wijesuriya, Kavya; Goarant, Cyrille, 2023, "HYDROTHIEM observatory: pathogenic leptospirosa and hydrological data collected under SPIraL project, 2020-2023", https://doi.org/10.23708/QULXTC, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:FolHMvw511mmYavc5p8fQA== [fileUNF]
The SPIraL project "Soils, rainfall and leptospirosis", funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) partly took part in the HYDROTHIEM observatory (eastern tropical coast of New Caledonia, in the South West Pacific) where it was devoted to the relationships between hydrol...
Oct 26, 2023 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Rousset, Guillaume, 2023, "SPOT6 satellite imagery, land cover and land use classification of 5 areas in the South Province of New Caledonia", https://doi.org/10.23708/PHVOJD, DataSuds, V1
5 areas of New Caledonia covered by the SPOT6 satellite are available at 1.5 meters resolution (RGB + PIR), totaling 128,4 km². These 5 areas have been manually segmented and then classified by photo-interpretation according to two types of classification: (i) classification of t...
Oct 23, 2023
Maillaud, Claude; Tirard, Philippe, 2021, "Attaques de requins recensées en Nouvelle-Calédonie (1958-présent)", https://doi.org/10.23708/IERX4R, DataSuds, V3, UNF:6:uDTzX4aCN1drK8OmeLOp/A== [fileUNF]
Tableau récapitulant les attaques de requins sur des humains recensées par les auteurs depuis 1958. Les données utiles à la caractérisation des circonstances des attaques, à l’identification du requin en cause et à la description des blessures des victimes ont été fournies chaque...
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