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Feb 16, 2024
Hervé, Dominique; Randrianatoandro, Ravakiniaina; Delaitre, Eric; Robison, Laurent; Razanaka, Samuel; Ratiarson, Venot, 2024, "Identification, localization and numbering of islets and geomorphological units of the Betsiboka delta (northwestern Madagascar) on Sentinel 2 satellite images (2020, 2021)", https://doi.org/10.23708/COLVLV, DataSuds, V1
Long time series (more than a century) are difficult to construct but they are useful for understanding hydro-geomorphological phenomena that take place over the long term and anticipating future risks. The Betsiboka River into which the Ikopa flows from Antananarivo, capital of... |
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MD5: 9a7d68f27f682bf455db7d40d882d817
Dataset description |
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MD5: 02aff060eb26f7f5d00b10a2ab403395
Co-author contribution details. |
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MD5: d3fbb51a793a835071ea7029f837706e
Detail of the downstream limit of the Betsiboka delta, between Boanamary in the right bank and a river in the left bank. |
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MD5: da1207c2d5b47c908f6df6b64467b70e
Large limits of the delta are defined by the extension of mangrove soils in green (ORSTOM, 1952) and the maximum extension of flooded area in red (flooded area in 2015-2016 by Catry et al., 2017). |
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MD5: db9dca815b111a010f1be6b12641f547
The definitive limits of the delta are defined by the downstream long limit (Boanamary), the upstream first right channel, and the large limits defined according to mangrove and flooded area. |
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MD5: 6e41def3b96fd79929ad9af5412a2a23
Course of the main axis of the Betsiboka river in its delta, with equidistants points (Sentinel 2, 2021). |
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MD5: 88053ffaa04bb1f71d70f7521415ac0a
13 equidistants transects in the Betsiboka delta (Sentinel 2, 2021). |
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MD5: 1a8eac1fa3f75d5476ed8c2b6edce607
13 transects in the Betsiboka delta, grouped in Upstream, Midstream and Downstream sections (Sentinel 2, 2021). |
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MD5: 04339555c4fa22f542e1e4da23c61e00
Grid with 4km by 4 km boxes applied on the Betsiboka delta, numbered to enable localization of the 186 geomorphological units identified in the Sentinel 2 image of 2020 (dry period, low tide). |