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Tabular Data - 988 B - 6 Variables, 22 Observations - UNF:6:NIECVHQc45Z8Ir42IELI/Q==
DataGeospatialTime Series
This text file contains the rainfall data at 15-minutes times steps collected by the 6 rain gauges. 1rst row: header line, rain gauges name. 2nd row: header line, rain gauges code reference. 3rd row: header line, rain gauges longitude in decimal degrees. 4th row: header line...
Plain Text - 107.1 MB - MD5: c7877b143340dab9f06f17803716c20d
Simulated peakflow (liters per second). Raster file in ASCII ESRI format ; missing data coded as -9999
Adobe PDF - 2.8 MB - MD5: 48e52c57dee79a47a9e98f67e5033f41
Map of flooded areas on 16 May 2019 in Bamako, Mali (carte des zones inondées lors de l'événement du 16 mai 2019).
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