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Tabular Data - 988 B - 6 Variables, 22 Observations - UNF:6:NIECVHQc45Z8Ir42IELI/Q==
This text file contains the rainfall data at 15-minutes times steps collected by the 6 rain gauges.
1rst row: header line, rain gauges name.
2nd row: header line, rain gauges code reference.
3rd row: header line, rain gauges longitude in decimal degrees.
4th row: header line... |
Plain Text - 107.1 MB -
MD5: c7877b143340dab9f06f17803716c20d
Simulated peakflow (liters per second). Raster file in ASCII ESRI format ; missing data coded as -9999 |
Adobe PDF - 2.8 MB -
MD5: 48e52c57dee79a47a9e98f67e5033f41
Map of flooded areas on 16 May 2019 in Bamako, Mali (carte des zones inondées lors de l'événement du 16 mai 2019). |
Mar 4, 2021
IRD has developed the RainCell app Bamako project, an Early Flood Warning System (EWS) for the city of Bamako. The project was carried out in partnership with the Civil Protection of Mali (DGPC ), MALI-METEO and the National Hydraulic Directorate (DNH ). Funded by the Korean Gree... |