1 to 6 of 6 Results
Feb 26, 2025GrAnnoT
This folder contains the data necessary for the analysis described in GrAnnoT's paper (doi), and the files produced with this data. The command lines used to process this data and produce the outputs are described in the file "grannot_analysis_command_lines.txt". The only unprovi... |
Feb 13, 2025Pole SAND
TAckling Multiple forms of Malnutrition In Ethiopia amongst women of reproductive age and children under five Increasing evidence shows that undernutrition and overweight/obesity co-exist, affecting countries, households, and individuals. This phenomenon has been labelled the ‘do... |
Feb 11, 2025UMI SOURCE
Face à la mise en exploitation du pétrole off-shore au Sénégal, la question des impacts à venir se pose avec acuité, à différentes échelles. Au niveau macroéconomique se pose la question de la malédiction des ressources naturelles et des voies à emprunter pour y échapper. Au nive... |