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31 to 40 of 875 Results
ZIP Archive - 197.3 KB - MD5: 6f13495a80e3a1693c1a2960937555b4
- Catchment boundaries in shapefile format (contours de sous-bassins des 5 stations hydrometriques du bassin versant du Haho au Togo) and -Monthly discharge (in l/s) data available issued from SIEREM in .txt format (débits mensuels (l/s) issus du système d'informations SIEREM (.t...
ZIP Archive - 512.1 KB - MD5: 7160182398db18322393ad336b71db4e
- Catchment boundaries in shapefile format (contours de sous-bassins des 13 stations hydrometriques du bassin versant du Haho au Togo) and -Monthly discharge (in l/s) data available issued from SIEREM in .txt format (débits mensuels (l/s) issus du système d'informations SIEREM (...
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 374.7 KB - MD5: 83a518c22b456a498438a4d04610b5d5
- Catchment boundaries in shapefile format (contours de sous-bassins des stations hydrometriques) and -Monthly discharge (in l/s) data available issued from SIEREM in .txt format (débits mensuels (l/s) issus du système d'informations SIEREM
Plain Text - 1.6 KB - MD5: a3eb7f2575d623ee6cc998d21c71d143
Metadata of 11 hydrometrical stations in Guinean basin - Métadonnées des 11 stations hydrométriques des bassins versants dans leur partie guinéenne
Adobe PDF - 260.1 KB - MD5: 595eed40330027ead7d6f5b3942a51bb
Notice for the contents of the datasets and description of the files Gridded data, monthly flow rates, GIS layers
Adobe PDF - 261.1 KB - MD5: ed3f7f2d6b077c594f4db65c8e3e2725
Notice explicative du contenu des jeux de données et description des fichiers maillés, débits, contours de bassins versants
Plain Text - 1.7 KB - MD5: aa6e3e009899eda61911f6764156c937
Dataset citation, description and terms of use
Tabular Data - 2.9 MB - 2 Variables, 127606 Observations - UNF:6:r2Uzy8iYu+mcd55jFQ82dg==
The water level file for the logger located in the Bassac.
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