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11 to 20 of 690 Results
Adobe PDF - 225.3 KB - MD5: cb34527f57f518ac0aadd1dfff1f39d4
Protocol for trypanolysis in French
PNG Image - 22.0 KB - MD5: 2cf58e0503873d87a44fc643cc9c4b0d
CounterMEASURE logo
Plain Text - 2.3 KB - MD5: 26493e4f8549b0b3f1d0ec8b8bde3acf
Data dictionary
Tabular Data - 29.6 KB - 23 Variables, 413 Observations - UNF:6:X2VGZdZe/UXteXNw31OCrA==
Ben Tre site sediment
Tabular Data - 26.7 KB - 23 Variables, 430 Observations - UNF:6:3UkrJ2oJXZyFTaioq1vRxg==
Ben Tre site water
Tabular Data - 26.8 KB - 23 Variables, 413 Observations - UNF:6:7p/v8npTa099Wcv84YKnYA==
Cho Lach site sediment
Tabular Data - 31.6 KB - 23 Variables, 430 Observations - UNF:6:BKnGNWJw82jQaC4ZTQNn1g==
Cho Lach site water
Tabular Data - 28.6 KB - 23 Variables, 413 Observations - UNF:6:p6Nv+aaLr0OLbHsZdFooyQ==
Cao Lanh site sediment
Tabular Data - 36.9 KB - 23 Variables, 430 Observations - UNF:6:JJlhY53lrch1tqfTPhU+Wg==
Cao Lanh site water
Tabular Data - 29.6 KB - 23 Variables, 413 Observations - UNF:6:vf5t8Ld3wxFmJGCndOn5xw==
My Tho site sediment
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