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11 to 20 of 65 Results
Dec 13, 2023 - UMR iEES-Paris
Hartmann C.; Sisouvanh P.; Silvera N.; Xayyathip K.; Pierret A.; Phongmala P.; Keobandith X, 2023, "Dataset collected during a 70 day column experiment testing the impact of organic amendments (compost & vermicompost) added to a tropical sandy-loam on maize (Zea mays) development and yield.",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:KgKFhFCV73nybw0Rl1zcqg== [fileUNF]
Plant (maize) and soil characteristics were monitored daily for 70 days and at harvest (DAP). Daily measures consisted in amount of irrigation water and soil matric potential in each of the 30 columns, and in plant height, number of leaves and total leaves length. At harvesting i...
Dec 8, 2023 - LMI PathoBios
Nignan, Saïbou; Barro, Mariam; Tollenaere, Charlotte, 2023, "Wild plants coverage at the borders of six rice fields in western Burkina Faso (2017)",, DataSuds, V1
During a project focused on rice microbial biodiversity (root microbiome and pathogens), we performed a pluriannual and multi-site survey (see Because microbial species may be shared between rice and surrounding wild plants, we chose to perform a...
Dec 7, 2023 - UMI TransVIHMI
Campillo, Jeremy T.; Dupasquier, Valentin; Lebredonchel, Elodie; Rancé, Ludovic G.; Hemilembolo, Marlhand C.; Pion, Sébastien D. S.; Missamou, François; Perez Martin, Antonia; Chesnais, Cédric B., 2023, "Association between arterial stiffness and Loa loa microfilaremia in a rural area of the Republic of Congo: a population-based cross-sectional study (MorLo project): data and documentation",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:L3HKqQiclp9jpWDWVRCCuw== [fileUNF]
Recent epidemiologic data suggested an increased mortality and morbidity in individuals harboring high densities of Loa loa microfilariae in the blood, underscoring the importance of studies on the possible reasons for this excess mortality. As part of the MorLo project, this cro...
Dec 6, 2023 - DYNADIV Team
Diop, Baye Magatte; Barnaud, Adeline; Billot, Claire; Guèye, Mame Codou, 2023, "Supplementary data for: Ethnolinguistic and genetic diversity of fonio (Digitaria exilis - Kippist - Stapf) in Senegal",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:NeauNrptcRyq6NeGtIhJqg== [fileUNF]
This data on fonio highlighted that social factors are pivotal in structuring diversity and should be taken into greater consideration in research and conservation projects to dovetail local and regional scales. It also showed that neglected species such as fonio - which are seld...
Dec 4, 2023 - REACT Project
Moiroux, Nicolas; Pennetier, Cédric; Dabiré, Roch Kounbobr; Koffi, Alphonsine, 2023, "REACT project (Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire, 2016-2018): study sites information",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:4Jex0BKDfjiQ/Eb3dfaOuQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset lists the villages involved in the REACT project (Insecticide resistance management in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire: research on vector control strategies). Led by three scientific institutions – the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, France), the In...
Nov 29, 2023 - DYNADIV Team
Millet, Claude Patrick; Allinne, Clémentine; Vi, Tram; Marraccini, Pierre; Verleysen, Lauren; Couderc, Marie; Ruttink, Tom; Zhang, Dapeng; Solano Sánchez, William; Christine, Tranchant-Dubreuil; Jeune, Wesly; Poncet, Valérie, 2023, "Genotyping data for field samples from Haitian coffee agroforestry systems and international collection accessions",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:4wzzOYlt0nsxd5jgI0e5Eg== [fileUNF]
Though facing significant challenges, Coffee (Coffea arabica) grown in Haitian agroforestry systems are important contributors to rural livelihoods and provide several ecosystem services. There has been little work done on their genetic diversity and the variety mixtures used, an...
Nov 25, 2023 - New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
Thibeaux, Roman; Genthon, Pierre; Selmaoui, Nazha; Kianiu, Maina; Soupé-Gilbert, Marie Estelle; Govan, Rodrigues; Wijesuriya, Kavya; Goarant, Cyrille, 2023, "HYDROTHIEM observatory: pathogenic leptospirosa and hydrological data collected under SPIraL project, 2020-2023",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:FolHMvw511mmYavc5p8fQA== [fileUNF]
The SPIraL project "Soils, rainfall and leptospirosis", funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) partly took part in the HYDROTHIEM observatory (eastern tropical coast of New Caledonia, in the South West Pacific) where it was devoted to the relationships between hydrol...
Nov 17, 2023 - UMR CBGP
Granjon, Laurent; Bâ, Khalilou; Niang, Youssoupha; Papillon, Yves; Duplantier, Jean-Marc, 2023, "Mastomys erythroleucus Capture-Mark-Recapture data in Bandia (Senegal) between 1984 and 2012",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:BE7oQtOGlS1g4WKqIiICHg== [fileUNF]
Long-term ecological data are of paramount importance to document the effects of global changes on biodiversity. The site of Bandia, 70km southeast of Dakar in western Senegal, has been the scene of numerous ecological studies since the 1970s. The « Bandia forest » was classified...
Nov 16, 2023 - UMR iEES-Paris
Mahuzier, C.; De Rouw, A.; Morand, S.; Valentin, C., 2023, "Runoff and erosion maps in Saen Thong sub-district (Tha Wang Pha district, Nan province, Thailand)",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset contains three runoff and erosion vector maps classified by value ranges: i) a map of runoff coefficient (Krc %) predicted from local surface conditions and runoff data from 535 1- m² plots in Southeast Asia; (ii) a map of mean soil loss (kgm-2) predicted from the sa...
Nov 13, 2023 - UMR LEMAR
Sardenne, Fany; Raynon, Thomas; Munaron, Jean-Marie; van der Lingen, Carl David; Sadio, Oumar; Diop, Khady; Brosset, Pablo; Lebigre, Christophe; Soudant, Philippe; Vagner, Marie; Pecquerie, Laure, 2023, "Lipid-correction models for δ13C values across small pelagic fishes (Clupeiformes) from the Atlantic Ocean (2020-2022): sample fish data",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:feuveottfQ3BOWHC/PBNUQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset compiles the data used in the paper "Lipid-correction models for δ13C values across small pelagic fishes (Clupeiformes) from the Atlantic Ocean”. This study aimed at defining the maximum taxonomic level required to obtain the best corrected δ13C values in small pelag...
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