341 to 350 of 362 Results
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MD5: de6f6923cd48b5602db95f7eb9cfe628
simple graphical representations of the dataset performed with R 4.0.3. |
JPEG Image - 33.3 KB -
MD5: c5177b752275a4daafe7c07075c5eb28
cover image for the dataset |
R Syntax - 6.0 KB -
MD5: 3e0f1e828a7e1674eea71585c0be2f4e
R script to read the data and to make graphical representations |
Tabular Data - 13.0 MB - 2 Variables, 439062 Observations - UNF:6:BJjmkaJLaWpEw5Ul9JBS+g==
temperature |
Tabular Data - 13.9 MB - 2 Variables, 439069 Observations - UNF:6:fAH/F3aC1m3lN34dD1+bmg==
relative humidity |
Tabular Data - 13.8 MB - 2 Variables, 439068 Observations - UNF:6:mOZc/3mSg0mZ5n5FmnjG8w==
atmospheric pressure |
Jan 18, 2021 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Biscornet, Leon; Révillion, Christophe; Jégo, Sylvaine; Lagadec, Erwan; Gomard, Yann; Le Minter, Gildas; Rocamora, Gérard; Guernier-Cambert, Vanina; Mélade, Julien; Dellagi, Koussay; Tortosa, Pablo; Herbreteau, Vincent, 2021, "Investigation of leptospirosis in rodents, Mahé, Seychelles, 2013-2014", https://doi.org/10.23708/HETOF3, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:DfogpFsZVvkg8SaRPfGxjA== [fileUNF]
This dataset is related to the description of rodents (morphology, status of leptospirosis infection and environment around the capture sites) collected in Mahé, the main island of Seychelles, and analyzed in the framework of the LEPTOI 32913 Project (FEDER INTERREG V program). I... |
Tabular Data - 4.2 KB - 4 Variables, 76 Observations - UNF:6:kIOMmwSieL4IBN35nakfyw==
Data dictionary |
Tabular Data - 365.7 KB - 60 Variables, 735 Observations - UNF:6:YRoeHf4MkCLu+RK0LsAo1Q==
Dataset: rodent morphology, status of leptospirosis infection, environment around the capture sites |
Jan 18, 2021 - Project ANR PI2P
Rebaudo, Francois; Sokame, Bonoukpoè Mawuko; Obonyo, Julius Ochieng; Calatayud, Paul-André, 2021, "Climatic dataset from ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya, 2020", https://doi.org/10.23708/QPKHPJ, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:fnmvpOg6uINFsxZ0j2Vpyw== [fileUNF]
This dataset corresponds to climate data for the year 2020 at ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya. The data includes temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure in three separate CSV files with approximately one measurement every minute. The first column indicates the date and time in... |