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81 to 81 of 81 Results
Jan 11, 2021 - UMR iEES-Paris
Harit, A.K.; Ramasamy, E.V.; Babu, N.; Pillai, R.M.J.; Bottinelli, N.; Cheik, S.; Jouquet, P., 2021, "Comparison of the nest organization and soil properties of Microcerotermes pakistanicus and Odontotermes obesus constructions in the Western Ghats, India",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:TFCDUVJ53T+bMWJbWKmBhg== [fileUNF]
Dataset describing the soil properties (termite nests and sheetings) and nest organization of two common species in Kerala, India: Odontotermes obesus and Microcerotermes pakistanicus. Soil properties included: pH, electrical conductivity (uS cm-1), soil particle size distributio...
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