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31 to 40 of 58 Results
Jul 21, 2024 - Collection A : Meteorological Data from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, published in different Reviews between 1890-1973
Nguyen, Tam Ngoc-Minh; Thomas, Frédéric, 2024, "Climate data rescue 4: Bulletin Pluviométrique de l'Indochine (BPI)",, DataSuds, V1
Content of the BPI The Bulletin pluviométrique is an annual publication, first directed by Georges Le Cadet from 1911 to 1924 and by Étienne Bruzon from 1925 to 1931. Over these 20 years of consecutive publication, this bulletin provided comprehensive records of daily and monthly...
Jul 21, 2024 - Collection A : Meteorological Data from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, published in different Reviews between 1890-1973
Thomas, Frédéric; Nguyen, Tam Ngoc-Minh, 2024, "Climate data rescue 3: Bulletin Mensuel des Observations (BMO)",, DataSuds, V1
Content of the BMO The Bulletin Mensuel des Observations have been published for the first time in 1910 under the direction of Georges Le Cadet, director of the Service Météorologique de l'Indochine, and later on by the following directors (Etienne Bruzon, B. Guilmet, A. Romer) u...
Jul 21, 2024 - Collection A : Meteorological Data from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, published in different Reviews between 1890-1973
Thomas, Frédéric; Nguyen, Tam Ngoc-Minh, 2024, "Climate data rescue 2: Bulletin économique de l'Indochine (BEI)",, DataSuds, V1
Contents of the BEI The Bulletin économique de l'Indochine is a monthly review reporting on the economic development of Indochina in all sectors of activity, and published from July 1898 to 1945 (283 volumes). The Bulletin's dual propagandist and utilitarian aims (to help Europea...
Jul 21, 2024 - Collection A : Meteorological Data from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, published in different Reviews between 1890-1973
Thomas, Frédéric; Nguyen, Tam Ngoc-Minh, 2024, "Climate data rescue 1: Annales du bureau central météorologique (ABCM)",, DataSuds, V1
Content of the ABCM The Annales du Bureau Central Météorologique first appeared in 1880 under the direction of Éleuthère Mascart. The ABCM succeeded the Bulletin météorologique de l'Association scientifique de France, published from 1871 until 1876 by M. Bellegrand. The latter fo...
Jul 1, 2024 - UMR PHARMADEV
Hittinger, Mahina; Butaud, Jean-François; Chassagne, François, 2024, "Base de données source pour : Revue des plantes et autres substances naturelles de la pharmacopée traditionnelle en Polynésie française",, DataSuds, V1
Ces dernières années, les recherches sur la médecine traditionnelle de Polynésie française, tant du point de vue botanique qu’ethnobotanique, se sont intensifiées. Cependant, malgré ces avancées, le nombre exact d'espèces de plantes médicinales utilisées n'a jamais été déterminé....
Jun 24, 2024 - UMR MIVEGEC
Kambou, Sassan Simplice; Valente, Adeline; Agnew, Philip; Hien, Domonbabele Francois De Sales; Yerbanga, Rakiszendé Serge; Moiroux, Nicolas; Dabire, Kounbor Roch; Pennetier, Cedric; Cohuet, Anna; Carrasco, David, 2024, "Replication data and R code for: Non-contact detection of pyrethroids widely used in vector control by Anopheles mosquitoes",, DataSuds, V1
Pyrethroids are the most widely used insecticides to control vector borne diseases including malaria. Physiological resistance mechanisms to these insecticides have been well described, whereas those for behavioral resistance remain overlooked. Field data suggest the presence of...
Jun 4, 2024 - Microplastic in Aquatic Environments
Trinh-Dang, Mau; Tran-Nguyen, Quynh Anh; Nguyen, Hoai Nhu Y; Le, Thi Mai, 2024, "Microplastic concentrations in surface water of Urban Lakes in Danang, Vietnam, 2021",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:xvQZCShk0iY4Xk0RT4/WOw== [fileUNF]
Microplastic (300-5000µm) concentrations in surface water were investigated in Sen lake, Hoa Phu lake, Ham Nghi lake, Cong Vien lake, Bo De lake, Bau Trang lake, Bau Tram lake of Da Nang city, Central Viet Nam, in April 2021 (dry season) and in December 2021 (wet season). Micropl...
Jun 4, 2024 - UMR MERIT
Telfils, Rodeline; Rojas Chaves, Alejandro; Dossou, Akpéyédjé Yannelle; Djenontin, Armel; Adimi,Elisée; Akoho, Romuald; Bailly, Justine; Aziz Bouraïma; Matondo,Déborah; Sissinto Savi De Tove, Yolande; Houinato, Dismand; Massougbodji, Achille; Dechavanne, Celia; Cottrell, Gilles, 2024, "Étude des déterminants individuels du paludisme asymptomatique dans la zone sanitaire au sud Bénin (2019-2024)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:JnOpkxbFRvf+tfNU5ifngw== [fileUNF]
Introduction Selon l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), en 2017, près de la moitié de la population mondiale est exposée au risque du paludisme. Ce fléau constitue un frein au développement des communautés et des pays les plus touchés par la maladie. Après des progrès const...
Jun 3, 2024 - UMI TransVIHMI
Laborde-Balen, Gabrièle; Diallo, Oumou Hawa; Cissé, Mohamed; Koita, Youssouf; Taverne, Bernard; Inghels, Maxime; Breton, Guillaume, 2024, "Innovative and Rapid Access to Points of Care to Optimise the Care of Newborns and Infants Exposed to HIV in Conakry, Guinea (2020-2021)",, DataSuds, V1
In Conakry, Guinea, like many other African capitals, traffic congestion is a major obstacle to transporting blood samples from peripheral health centres to laboratories where tests are centralised. This situation complicates early HIV testing of HIV- exposed children (i.e., born...
May 17, 2024 - UMR AMAP
Molino, Jean-François; Sabatier, Daniel; Engel, Julien, 2024, "The GUYADIV dataset",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:A9pC2xFo1wPIikryg0bVGQ== [fileUNF]
Data collected on the trees inventoried on the forest plots of the GUYADIV network. The first plots were installed in 1986 by Daniel Sabatier and Marie-Françoise Prévost. Since then, the network has grown with the contribution of several other scientists, notably Jean-François Mo...
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