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21 to 30 of 475 Results
Jan 30, 2025 - CERES Team
Nakombo-Gbassault, Princia; Arenas, Sebastian; Affortit, Pablo; Faye, Awa; Flis, Paulina; Sine, Bassirou; Moukouanga, Daniel; Kane, Ndjido Ardo; Bennett, Malcolm; Wells, Darren; Cubry, Philippe; Bailey, Liz; Grondin, Alexandre; Vigouroux, Yves; Laplaze, Laurent, 2025, "Leaf ion content in pearl millet (Senegal, 2021-2022)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:eg+VmV/nauULROuvgkx5Ig== [fileUNF]
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is a nutrient-rich cereal crop cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where it serves as a vital source of grain and fodder for millions of smallholder farmers. This crop is known to produce in hot, dry clim...
Jan 30, 2025 - UMI TransVIHMI
Campillo, Jérémy; Pakat-Pambou, Biam-Miveck; Sahm, Bachiratou; Pion, Sebastien D. S.; Hemilembolo, Marlhand C.; Lebredonchel, Elodie; Boussinesq, Michel; Missamou, François; Chesnais, Cédric, 2025, "Replication data for - Incidence of loiasis clinical manifestations in a rural area of the Republic of Congo: results from a longitudinal prospective study (the MorLo project)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:ot97WXQ0SsOwXC4RC0YeHw== [fileUNF]
Loiasis is endemic in Central Africa. Despite evidence of clinical complications and increased mortality, it remains excluded from the list of neglected tropical diseases. The main manifestations are Calabar swellings (CS), Eyeworm (EW) and non-specific general symptoms such arth...
Jan 24, 2025 - Observatory of Rural Dynamics and Inequalities in South India (ODRIIS)
Nordman, Christophe Jalil; Venkatasubramanian, Govindan; Guérin, Isabelle; Michiels, Sébastien; Mouchel, Cécile; Natal, Arnaud; Di Santolo, Mary, 2025, "Network, Employment, dEbt, Mobility, and Skills in South India Survey (NEEMSIS-2, 2020-2021)",, DataSuds, V2, UNF:6:2e5yhTm60JNyJ/d2xfnVYA== [fileUNF]
These data come from the NEEMSIS-2 (Network, Employment, dEbt, Migration and Skills in India Survey) wave carried out in 2020-21 among 631 households in more than 10 villages in the districts of Cuddalore and Kallakurichi (ex Viluppuram), in the rural region of Tamil Nadu (South...
Jan 22, 2025 - Data collected as part of M-TROPICS - UMR GET
Ribolzi, Olivier; Xayyathip, Khampaseuth; Christian, Valentin; Soulileuth, Bounsamay; Robain, Henri; De Rouw, Anneke; Sounyafong, Phabvilay; Silvera, Norbert; Janeau, Jean-Louis, 2025, "Rainfall, surface runoff, soil erosion, soil physical properties and soil surface features in teak tree plantations, Houay Pano catchment, Northern Lao PDR (2001-2019)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:wW10OqQ/F5hS3d62pR3cug== [fileUNF]
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Lao PDR, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the Multiscale TROPIcal C...
Jan 16, 2025 - CERES Team
Grondin, Alexandre; Arenas, Sebastian; Djabali, Yacine; Rincent, Renaud; Cubry, Philippe; Martin, Marie-Laure; Blein-Nicolas, Mélisande; Laplaze, Laurent; Schneider, Hannah, 2025, "Modeling plant phenotypic plasticity and its underlying genetic architecture (France, 2022-2025)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:GqRZeZVaQq+yHEkPq3ah+w== [fileUNF]
Phenotypic plasticity can contribute to crop adaptation to challenging environments. Plasticity indices are potentially useful to identify the genetic basis of crop phenotypic plasticity. Numerous methods exist to measure phenotypic plasticity. Among those, the ratio (also called...
Jan 13, 2025 - UMR CBGP
Granjon, Laurent; Ag Atteynine, Solimane; Diagne, Christophe, 2025, "The terrestrial small mammal community of Bamako, Mali (2021-2023)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:NZ0uKGoJ9Vnpw1NZvDUYxQ== [fileUNF]
Rats of the genus Rattus (especially R. norvegicus the brown rat and R. rattus the black rat) and mice of the genus Mus (especially Mus musculus the domestic mouse) are unanimously recognized as among the “worst” invasive alien species globally. In West Africa, these three specie...
Jan 9, 2025 - UMR AMAP
Adrien, Elise; Heymans, Lyse; Ah-Peng, Claudine; Albert, Sébastien; Cuenin, Nicolas; Danger, Camille; Flores, Olivier; Grondin, Rémi-Paul; Hoarau, Henri; Parlevliet, Hilde; Regen, Anaëlle; Rivière, Jean-Noël; Rojat, Margaux; Pouteau, Robin, 2024, "TREFL database: Traits of the Reunion flora",, DataSuds, V2, UNF:6:mvbyEG8Vt+jjFto18Sk7Hw== [fileUNF]
Plant traits are closely linked to species distribution patterns and community assembly processes. Trait-based approaches allows scientists to understand and predict how plant communities may respond to disturbances such as biological invasions, land-use changes, and climate vari...
Dec 17, 2024 - Etude MAPNET
Gondard, Claire; Andrianaivo, Christian Mampianina; Archambaud, Lise; Deguilhem, Thibaud; Delpy, Léo; Droy, Isabelle; Lallau, Benoît; Rasolofo, Patrick, 2024, "Cartographie des réseaux sociaux et des stratégies communautaires dans le sud de Madagascar (étude MAPNET) : outils méthodologiques, données d'enquête et documentation",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:0xkB7tZF43mWiltktMbzRQ== [fileUNF]
L'étude MAPNET "Mapping social networks and community strategies in Southern Madagascar" est une expertise collective conduite en 2019 pour la Banque mondiale. A quelle protection sociale les habitants du Sud de Madagascar ont-ils effectivement accès ? Alors que la politique nati...
Dec 12, 2024 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Roux, Emmanuel, 2024, "Population of French Guiana-Brazil cross-border localities (2015 - 2016)",, DataSuds, V1
Number of inhabitants for the main localities and the main neighborhoods of the cities of Oiapoque (Brazil) and Saint-Georges-de-l'Oyapock (French Guiana), at the French Guiana - Brazil border. Fields: loc_name: Locality or neighborhood name, among {Benoá, Amomi, Manga, Kumenê, C...
Observatory of Rural Dynamics and Inequalities in South India (ODRIIS) logo
Dec 5, 2024
The Observatory of Rural Dynamics and Inequalities in South India (ODRIIS) analyses over the past 15 years how structural changes in contemporary South India are reshaping the organisation of work, social hierarchies and household livelihoods using first-hand and original data (q...
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