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1 to 10 of 628 Results
ZIP Archive - 2.7 MB - MD5: dc9072b4bed3ac7891d3cc2ab148febd
Observed data on rainfall, air temperature and streamflow.
Plain Text - 37.2 KB - MD5: 588bc21a95bb4b79b945c918331063bb
Database contents (summary)
Tabular Data - 15.9 MB - 517 Variables, 3027 Observations - UNF:6:am6cSO1jVKdN5mqReymvHA==
Test dataset
Tabular Data - 32.4 MB - 517 Variables, 6308 Observations - UNF:6:IL4rv/Alts6mLKH6QrEMRA==
Test dataset
Tabular Data - 363.7 MB - 516 Variables, 48208 Observations - UNF:6:jTD/itqKxc5wvbFtqhf0Gg==
Data used for training the models
Adobe PDF - 28.2 KB - MD5: 5a4a82a66d96b19d45701029d0e15e8a
Dataset citation, description and terms of use
Jupyter Notebook - 270.6 KB - MD5: 85a560f15d345d32ff0f0ec57edebb50
Jupyter Notebook
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 89.4 KB - MD5: 8db7ff4e434e927e8992f8c194ed7c15
Contours and outlets of the catchments.
ZIP Archive - 2.4 MB - MD5: 78f8e98ee8b600d69a16aa635d8821df
Simulated streamflows at daily and monthly time steps.
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