241 to 250 of 263 Results
Mar 30, 2022 -
Lamto GIS layer (raster dataset): Mosaic of topographical maps at a scale of 1 : 50 000 covering the Lamto reserve (Côte d'Ivoire)
ZIP Archive - 343.6 MB -
MD5: 7cbca65c2f2533742b87b6a77282f212
This zip archive holds the baseline data and the processing steps to produce the final GIS layer. More precisely it contains the scanned paper map, the ground control points and the clipped maps. |
Mar 30, 2022 -
Lamto GIS layer (raster dataset): Mosaic of topographical maps at a scale of 1 : 50 000 covering the Lamto reserve (Côte d'Ivoire)
ZIP Archive - 25.3 MB -
MD5: 0461fceb9f4e3db4a717d2efea1ee8fa
This zip archive holds the legends of the original paper maps. |
Feb 16, 2022 -
Orthomosaic of aerial photographs acquired by IGN in 1953, Stung Chrey Bak Catchment, Cambodia
ZIP Archive - 745.3 MB -
MD5: ae8f35b58e92e90e4865f227dd979d82
Original aerial photographs received from IGN |
Sep 2, 2021 -
Replication Data for: Selection on ancestral genetic variation fuels repeated ecotype formation in bottlenose dolphins
Gzip Archive - 704.4 MB -
MD5: 4461877afe51bc505f570808593aa7c0
Variant calling format (VCF) file including the biallelic single nucleotide variants (SNVs or SNPs) used in Louis et al. The sample names are in the vcf file header. See the materials and methods and supplementary material of the manuscript for details on data generation. |
Sep 2, 2021 -
Replication Data for: Selection on ancestral genetic variation fuels repeated ecotype formation in bottlenose dolphins
Gzip Archive - 85.1 MB -
MD5: 8fe3f103955bdd7dd145c316dc008fe6
Genotype likelihood LD pruned input file in Beagle format. Note that Sample order (Ind0 to Ind55) is given in the file Tursiops_samples_no7Tt182.bamlist. Sample 7Tt182 is not included in the beagle file due to its low coverage but clusters with the other NWAp. See materials and... |
Sep 2, 2021 -
Replication Data for: Selection on ancestral genetic variation fuels repeated ecotype formation in bottlenose dolphins
Gzip Archive - 108.0 MB -
MD5: e7909efb3649e2ac35f3cb17268be917
haplo file (pseudo-haploid random call): samples order is given in Tursiops_samples_ALL.bamlist. Note that 7Tt182 is included, but was not included in the analyses, which are based on subset of individuals (one coastal individual and all allopatric pelagic individuals except from... |
Sep 2, 2021 -
Replication Data for: Selection on ancestral genetic variation fuels repeated ecotype formation in bottlenose dolphins
Gzip Archive - 8.8 KB -
MD5: d5234dbb967ad08679ed0eb346e3308e
GhostAncestry-master contains the codes written by Benoit Simon-Bouhet to generate the input files for the ghost ancestry analyses - also available at https://github.com/besibo/GhostAncestry
## The folder 1_One Scaffold contains the code to test the script on one scaffold only
#... |
ZIP Archive - 41.2 MB -
MD5: 1f28f94f7acbf0a4002959b769fbae43
ZIP Archive - 5.0 MB -
MD5: 8f147c6903729a14cfa76cb3237d17c6
Compressed directory with the gtf file of the MSU7 rice annotation for use in a R session with objects stored in the "session.RData" file. |
ZIP Archive - 31.9 MB -
MD5: 72245fe84113b55b54efa77c44c87308
Compressed directory containing svg image files corresponding to mRNA-seq and sRNA-seq coverage data and annotation for individual xisRNA loci and overlapping rice MSU7 loci displayed at different scales. |