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41 to 50 of 263 Results
Gzip Archive - 65 B - MD5: c4a3732bb2a2d6f58d2663c0de008fdf
List of the Paired End markers used in the mbctools test data.
Gzip Archive - 36 B - MD5: ff2f4f4315938b6e38adfc618209174a
List of the Single End markers used in the mbctools test data.
Gzip Archive - 366 B - MD5: e4cd2e6385a6d52ab3251a45d8663e7d
Metadata associated with each samples of the test data (Sample, Capture date, Sampling, location, Developmental stage, Sex Species, Latitude, Longitude)
Gzip Archive - 22.2 KB - MD5: 156c6e3b9a823a4050537032aa3973da
Output of the mbctools pipeline. Log files and parameters used.
Gzip Archive - 6.1 KB - MD5: 519868512efc372dfdb5b26c82f9a49e
Reference sequences used to classify the given sequences into their respective markers.
Gzip Archive - 104 B - MD5: 695aa82b79975f82ded83af665659247
List file with the name of the analysed samples.
Gzip Archive - 11.7 KB - MD5: f4b7789ad6ae48e3ce19b336974b9d50
Used command line to process the test data (pipeline output).
Gzip Archive - 258.7 MB - MD5: ca56ac6f52c700a8ac80dbf345b1565c
Temporary files, pipeline output.
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