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631 to 640 of 685 Results
Tabular Data - 4.5 KB - 12 Variables, 53 Observations - UNF:6:NCX3W802kKNTadIst8pbIA==
Detailed description of the variables (data and code dictionary)
Tabular Data - 82.6 KB - 621 Variables, 90 Observations - UNF:6:DRyiyE4AVYcUzKkL01ggeA==
Concentrations of anthropogenic fibers in each sample, individual length and diameter of the fibers
Tabular Data - 15.8 KB - 146 Variables, 24 Observations - UNF:6:fktkWlNEti0QwvElrN5BuA==
Aggregated data (24 districts)
Tabular Data - 7.6 KB - 146 Variables, 25 Observations - UNF:6:lSB5tEJiQB+4e3tdWii/RQ==
Aggregated data (7 districts)
Tabular Data - 75.8 KB - 52 Variables, 670 Observations - UNF:6:sY/RDkKaHSLUupG6ZqcvTQ==
The whole set of measurements (in situ soil and vegetation variables, satellite data and irrigation) on the first wheat plot
Tabular Data - 32.5 KB - 48 Variables, 123 Observations - UNF:6:L0FNbk/WO5BD4mCnMZeoXQ==
The whole set of measurements (in situ soil and vegetation variables, satellite data and irrigation) on the second wheat plot
Tabular Data - 9.2 KB - 53 Variables, 33 Observations - UNF:6:rQfOL+0UcDgArbocMAzc6w==
The whole set of measurements (in situ soil and vegetation variables, satellite data) on the third wheat plot
Tabular Data - 4.9 MB - 8 Variables, 47451 Observations - UNF:6:aSpRftpm8st1Q1Lb1WSVvQ==
Half-hourly meteorological data collected during the period from October 2016 to June 2019
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