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81 to 90 of 933 Results
PNG Image - 1.5 MB - MD5: 56977a0df88f01b655e5f4b12fcd1264
Photo of the water level logger in Prek Chann downstream of the gate.
JPEG Image - 340.6 KB - MD5: 9bbf009dc8409391d27b83a61111084c
Photo of the water level logger in Prek Chann upstream of the gate.
PNG Image - 2.9 MB - MD5: 455cb90d79a1ac5a176404245845557a
Photo showing the logger at the western end of Prek Chann.
PNG Image - 2.0 MB - MD5: 99002075393541a31ed76d34067e7818
Photo showing the logger at the bridge in Prek Touch.
PNG Image - 2.3 MB - MD5: 1dc1dc37ba06f5d9e2580fe6a78a67b1
Photo of the logger in the canal at the bridge in the West of the study area.
Tabular Data - 2.8 MB - 2 Variables, 99334 Observations - UNF:6:LRTyhggNjK8bMXjRxzRASQ==
Water level data recorded in Prek Chann at the drain.
Tabular Data - 2.5 MB - 2 Variables, 85953 Observations - UNF:6:D4JAEHPogCc6qiu6BcaTpg==
Water level data recorded in Prek Chann downstream of the gate.
Tabular Data - 3.9 MB - 2 Variables, 144534 Observations - UNF:6:vrGPnLNuWaW9kfY/eloAjA==
Water level data recorded by the logger at Prek Chann, upstream of the gate.
Tabular Data - 1.2 MB - 2 Variables, 52731 Observations - UNF:6:/Ifbis4CuQ/fva2GI9r1Ng==
Water level data recorded at the western end of Prek Chann.
Tabular Data - 1.1 MB - 2 Variables, 48100 Observations - UNF:6:I2erMJHH1Qh2gzXA9PiDGA==
Water level data recorded by the logger in Prek Touch at the bridge.
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