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31 to 40 of 91 Results
Nov 9, 2022 - UMR AMAP
Pouteau, Robin, 2022, "Native plants reported as threatened by identified alien plants in the global IUCN Red List",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:CMYlNd/qh6rEJxXLInXZpg== [fileUNF]
This dataset includes 1,407 pairs of threatened native–invasive alien plants extracted from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ( For each pair, the threat category of the threatened native species (NT, VU, EN, CR, EW, EX), its population trend (...
Nov 8, 2022 - UMR MoISA
Bahya-Batinda, Dang; Kameli, Yves; Randremanana, Rindra; Masson, Leila; Martin-Prevel, Yves; Savy, Mathilde, 2022, "Evaluation data for a multi-sectoral program to improve the resilience of households in Madagascar",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:b1mH2Abu+PA7XsqqM0BIEw== [fileUNF]
Data were collected in southern Madagascar between 2018 and 2019 from a cohort of 600 households. They were collected as part of a project to evaluate a multi-sectoral program set up by the World Food Program (WFP) with the objective of improving the resilience of households in M...
Etude MAPNET logo
Oct 28, 2022Projet PROTECT
Etude MAPNET "Mapping social networks and community strategies in Southern Madagascar" (2019) Expertise collective IRD pour la Banque mondiale A quelle protection sociale les habitants du Sud de Madagascar ont-ils effectivement accès ? Alors que la politique nationale de protecti...
Etude SYSMIPRO logo
Oct 28, 2022Projet PROTECT
Etude SYSMIPRO "Systèmes microlocaux de protection sociale" (2021) Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, ONG IISS A quelle protection sociale les habitants du Sud de Madagascar ont-ils effectivement accès ? Alors que la politique nationale de protection sociale est en pleine reconfiguration...
Projet PROTECT logo
Oct 28, 2022UMI SOURCE
Le projet Protect étudie l’articulation des logiques multiples façonnant les formes de la protection sociale à Madagascar. Il a pour finalité de caractériser les formes de la protection sociale à Madagascar, d’analyser leur adéquation avec les besoins des populations (pauvreté, v...
Oct 21, 2022 - UMR CEREGE
Garcin, Yannick; Schefuß, Enno; Dargie, Greta C.; Hawthorne, Donna; Lawson, Ian T.; Sebag, David; Biddulph, George E.; Crezee, Bart; Bocko, Yannick E.; Ifo, Suspense A.; Mampouya Wenina, Y. Emmanuel; Mbemba, Mackline; Ewango, Corneille E.N.; Emba, Ovide; Bola, Pierre; Kanyama Tabu, Joseph; Tyrrell, Genevieve; Young, Dylan M.; Gassier, Ghislain; Girkin, Nicholas T.; Vane, Christopher H.; Adatte, Thierry; Baird, Andy J.; Boom, Arnoud; Gulliver, Pauline; Morris, Paul J.; Page, Susan E.; Sjögersten, Sofie; Lewis, Simon L., 2022, "Hydroclimatic vulnerability of peat carbon in the central Congo Basin: codes for age-depth models, geospatial data processing and analysis",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:ewI8zj0Z/m4OMWGoSn0k3Q== [fileUNF]
This dataset includes two packages: 'Age_depth_models' and 'Tropical_Peats' for the creation of the age-depth models and the processing and analysis of the geospatial data, which are presented in the article "Hydroclimatic vulnerability of peat carbon in the central Congo Basin"....
Oct 13, 2022 - DiTECT-HAT-WP2
Lejon, Veerle; Camara, Oumou; Camara, Mamadou; Ilboudo, Hamidou; Kaboré, Jacques; Compaoré, Charlie Franck Alfred; Buscher, Philippe; Bucheton, Bruno, 2022, "Passive case detection of Human African Trypanosomiasis in Guinea: symptoms and signs, rapid diagnostic test results and laboratory test results",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:5xfmuyoW9wsYi66d23V96w== [fileUNF]
In the last decade, the prevalence of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) has fallen and HAT has been targeted for elimination. At low disease prevalence, integration of case finding into routine activities of peripheral health centres becomes crucial...
Oct 6, 2022 - Data collected as part of M-TROPICS - UMR GET
Soulileuth, Bounsamay; Boithias, Laurie; Latsachack, Keooudone; Thammahacksa, Chanthamousone; Rochelle-Newall, Emma; Ribolzi, Olivier, 2022, "Monthly input of Escherichia coli within the Houay Pano headwater catchment, Northern Lao PDR (2001-2021) calculated from human, goat, swine, and poultry frequentation",, DataSuds, V2, UNF:6:nGhAzs1/1zVvYgk+BQq0gg== [fileUNF]
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Lao PDR, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the Multiscale TROPIcal C...
Oct 6, 2022 - Data collected as part of M-TROPICS - UMR GET
Ribolzi, Olivier; Boithias, Laurie; Thammahacksa, Chanthamousone; Silvera, Norbert; Latsachack, Keooudone; Soulileuth, Bounsamay; Arnoux, Marie; Evrard, Olivier; Huon, Sylvain; Pommier, Thomas; Sengtaheuanghoung, Oloth; Rochelle-Newall, Emma, 2022, "Escherichia coli concentration in overland flow and in groundwater in the Houay Pano catchment, Northern Lao PDR (2012-2014)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:cUbe4i4LrrRBffuvmtGjxw== [fileUNF]
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Lao PDR, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the Multiscale TROPIcal C...
Oct 5, 2022 - UMR Entropie
Vimono, Indra B.; Borsa, Philippe; Pouyaud, Laurent, 2022, "CO1-haplotype frequencies of long-spined sea urchin (Diadema setosum) from the Indo-Malay archipelago",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:Gq/xRLgto2IIMOuZ+Jjuwg== [fileUNF]
The dataset contains three files in text (.txt) format or in tabulation-separated value (.tsv) format, that together characterize haplotype composition at the COI locus in the long-spined sea urchin Diadema setosum from the Indo-Malay archipelago. The dataset was produced in the...
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