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41 to 50 of 91 Results
Sep 30, 2022 - CES-PAYSAGE
Lemettais, Louise; Bégué, Agnès; Luque, Sandra; Laques, Anne-Elisabeth; Alleaume, Samuel; Demagistri, Laurent; Delaitre, Eric, 2022, "Cartographie des unités paysagères à partir de données satellitaires à Madagascar entre 2016 et 2020",, DataSuds, V1
La cartographie des paysages est cruciale pour le suivi et la compréhension d'un large éventail de processus, et pour relever des défis tels que l'aménagement du territoire, l'évaluation de la biodiversité, les interactions santé-environnement, et le suivi/évaluation des impacts...
Sep 29, 2022 - UMR LEMAR
Billant, Odeline, 2022, "Plastic bag regulation database for cross-country analyses",, DataSuds, V2, UNF:6:ilznrCDivqs4xYGOjAhxAg== [fileUNF]
This dataset brings together the legal texts adopted by 10 entities regulating plastic bags: Cape Verde, England (UK), Florida (USA), France, Ireland, Scotland (UK), State of Pernambouco (Brazil), State of São Paulo (Brazil), and Texas (USA). The database facilitates the comparis...
Sep 22, 2022 - ADvENS Team
Amimi, Nabil; Ghouil, Hana; Zitouna-Chebbi, Rim; Joët, Thierry; Ammari, Youssef, 2022, "Replication Data for Distribution of Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia in Tunisia and intraspecific variation of seed morphophysiological traits along climatic gradients",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:cHGNf+36WqEUqJV2nD6V3w== [fileUNF]
This dataset gathers geographical information for the distribution sites of Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia in Tunisia in 2020, as well as climatic data and seed morpho-physiological traits associated with the 18 main populations identified. In order to identify adaptations to l...
ADvENS Team logo
Sep 9, 2022UMR DIADE
ADvENS Team The ADvENS team performs integrative analyses of the diversity and environmental adaptation of tropical and Mediterranean trees. In particular, the team aims to better understand the evolution of genomes, transcriptomes and metabolisms associated with local adaptation...
Sep 7, 2022 - UMR SENS
Fromont, Céline; Blanco, Julien; Culas, Christian; Pannier, Emmanuel; Razafindrakoto, Mireille; Roubaud, François; Carrière, Stéphanie M., 2022, "Stakeholders’ mental models about the Makay region, Madagascar",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:esaf4l41X0yi+ruzYB9ncg== [fileUNF]
This dataset includes the mental models (in a matrix format) of 32 informants regarding the Makay region in Madagascar who were interviewed in 2019. For each individual informants, two files are available: (i) the raw mental model as elicited during the interview (in French) and...
Sep 6, 2022 - DiTECT-HAT
Lejon, Veerle; Ngay Lukusa, Ipos; Mumba Ngoyi, Dieudonné; Van Reet, Nick; Buscher, Philippe, 2022, "Diagnostic Tools for Human African Trypanosomiasis Elimination and Clinical Trials: WP4 Early test-of-cure",, DataSuds, V2
In the last decade, the prevalence of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) has fallen and HAT has been targeted for elimination. Clinical trials on safe and efficacious drugs for HAT, applicable in an elimination context, would be accelerated by availa...
Sep 5, 2022 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Mougenot, Isabelle, 2022, "Ontologie du risque",, DataSuds, V2
Ce jeu de données présente les travaux de modélisation du risque conduits dans l'Unité Espace-Dev. L'objectif est de proposer un premier jeu de modèles ontologiques autour du risque et de les faire évoluer par l'ensemble des membres de l'Unité. Les fichiers diffusés sont au forma...
Aug 31, 2022 - Savane de Lamto - LMI Ecologie et Développement Durable
Barot, S.; Lata, J.-C.; Koffi, K.F., 2022, "Microbiology and soil characteristics in different situations, below different types of plants in Lamto savanna, Côte d’Ivoire, 2014",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:U3e9ELJc6nuCFHd/fE/tEw== [fileUNF]
The goal of the sampling was to describe the impact of the vegetation and different plant species on soil microbiology with a focus on nitrogen cycling. This sampling was achieved in Lamto savanna, Côte d’Ivoire, in April 2014 during the long rainy season. Samples were collected...
Aug 24, 2022 - UMR PHARMADEV
Castro Dioncio, Inés Yolanda; Fabre, Nicolas; Saffon, Nathalie; Sauvain, Michel; Castillo Pareja, Denis Helan; Jullian, Valérie, 2022, "Supporting information for: Cordiosides A and B, two new 19-hydroxy-29-norlanostane glycosides isolated from the flowers of Cordia lutea",, DataSuds, V2
This set of data is supporting research on a widely used peruvian medicinal plant, Cordia lutea. Two new compounds, Cordiosides A-B were isolated. Their structural assignment is based on NMR, MS analysis and X-Ray crystallographic data. Antibacterial activity was evaluated for Co...
Aug 18, 2022 - UMR DIADE
Orjuela, Julie; Comte, Aurore; Ravel, Sébastien; Charriat, Florian; Vi, Tram; Sabot, François; Cunnac, Sébastien, 2022, "Source code of CulebrONT: a streamlined long reads multi-assembler pipeline for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes",, DataSuds, V3
CulebrONT is an open-source, scalable, modulable and traceable snakemake pipeline, able to launch multiple assembly tools in parallel and providing help for choosing the best possible assembly. Documentation: Code development: h...
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