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21 to 30 of 703 Results
Adobe PDF - 670.5 KB - MD5: 9b884d150a58b62110d52e239580cc20
Policy brief (in French) on citrus orchard biodiversification pathways for climate resilience in Tunisia. Produced by the international lab NAILA
Adobe PDF - 637.5 KB - MD5: c81ac7f98b8a4405b132ae00e39de445
Peer-reviewed article on the creation of groundwater comanagement tools for the Maghreb region
Adobe PDF - 6.7 MB - MD5: 28cb33ddfb2a9016f2f28349e65bcbe6
Slidedeck UM6P proposal testing efficient irrigation options for olive cropping systems in Morocco
Adobe PDF - 2.4 MB - MD5: 340ddafa890fc5387bc0e1d75e3247da
Final activity report from UM6P on efficient irrigation for olive systems in Morocco
Adobe PDF - 3.6 MB - MD5: 3b581bcc87a643f97baf5c03ebccde8f
Final activity report from L.M.I. NAILA on citrus orchard biodiversification pathways in Tunisia / Morocco
Adobe PDF - 7.1 MB - MD5: 8f785a9a953b82240bdad383a221bc86
Slidedeck NAILA proposal to test citrus orchard biodiversification options (fodder and grain intercropping) for climate resilience in Tunisia/Morocco
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Presentation on farmers’ perceptions of no-tillage in Morocco, done during the African Congress on Conservation Agriculture 2023
Adobe PDF - 1.8 MB - MD5: eb75445f1650f6de75ea83b600de159f
Workshop report on sustainable future scenario co-construction by the WEFE nexus consortium (2023)
Adobe PDF - 1.9 MB - MD5: 2745eadd582b2c3138e2fa4c8e55149b
Final activity report from CIHEAM on the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) nexus, an integrated assessment framework to assess climate adaptation policies in Morocco
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Slidedeck CIHEAM proposal to co-develop Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) nexus framework in Meknes region, Morocco
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