261 to 270 of 281 Results
Jan 22, 2021 -
Daily flow in the rivers linked to the Aghien lagoon (2015-)
Tabular Data - 52.7 KB - 2 Variables, 2012 Observations - UNF:6:PCP1543dFzaCRvpkHElCQA==
Daily flow in Djibi-Pont station, Ivory Coast |
Jan 22, 2021 -
Daily flow in the rivers linked to the Aghien lagoon (2015-)
Tabular Data - 55.0 KB - 2 Variables, 2110 Observations - UNF:6:48far1ySlR5oVjtu82WIbA==
Daily flow in Mé station, Ivory Coast |
Jan 19, 2021 -
Informal waste collectors and aggregators space and activities in Buon Ma Thuot city, Vietnam, COMPOSE project (2019-2021)
Tabular Data - 4.2 KB - 146 Variables, 25 Observations - UNF:6:4bvc3YdJd9HTWDoVlhbFOA==
Aggregated data |
Adobe PDF - 245.6 KB -
MD5: de6f6923cd48b5602db95f7eb9cfe628
simple graphical representations of the dataset performed with R 4.0.3. |
JPEG Image - 33.3 KB -
MD5: c5177b752275a4daafe7c07075c5eb28
cover image for the dataset |
R Syntax - 6.0 KB -
MD5: 3e0f1e828a7e1674eea71585c0be2f4e
R script to read the data and to make graphical representations |
Tabular Data - 13.0 MB - 2 Variables, 439062 Observations - UNF:6:BJjmkaJLaWpEw5Ul9JBS+g==
temperature |
Tabular Data - 13.9 MB - 2 Variables, 439069 Observations - UNF:6:fAH/F3aC1m3lN34dD1+bmg==
relative humidity |
Tabular Data - 13.8 MB - 2 Variables, 439068 Observations - UNF:6:mOZc/3mSg0mZ5n5FmnjG8w==
atmospheric pressure |
Tabular Data - 4.2 KB - 4 Variables, 76 Observations - UNF:6:kIOMmwSieL4IBN35nakfyw==
Data dictionary |