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11 to 20 of 920 Results
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DocumentationEnquête Organisations LocalesEnquête systémiqueGuide d'entretien
Guide des superviseurs chargés de la collecte de données (enquête systémique)
PNG Image - 203.5 KB - MD5: 36b66cdabf0237cc390dc8d7427ef63b
DocumentationVue d'ensemble
Schéma présentant les outils d'enquêtes mobilisés
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DocumentationEnquête ménage (MIR)Questionnaire
Questionnaire de l'enquête ménage MAPNET - phase 1
Adobe PDF - 188.5 KB - MD5: d1c2099632a54390226c938f633ee972
DocumentationEnquête ménage (MIR)Questionnaire
Questionnaire de l'enquête ménage MAPNET - phase 2
Adobe PDF - 48.2 KB - MD5: e5e8976c3c67aed73f39d39bafc6a6db
DocumentationEnquête ménage (MIR)Questionnaire
Questionnaire de l'enquête ménage MAPNET - phase 3
PNG Image - 1.0 MB - MD5: 428c39ab1a95a9d502e34c4de2cc4f9b
DocumentationVue d'ensemble
Carte de localisation des zones d'enquêtes à Madagascar : 1 site pilote (Miary) et 6 zones situées dans le sud de l'île (Ambahitra, Ambazoa, Beheloka, Maniry, Mahatalaky et Ifotaka)
Dec 12, 2024 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Roux, Emmanuel, 2024, "Population of French Guiana-Brazil cross-border localities (2015 - 2016)",, DataSuds, V1
Number of inhabitants for the main localities and the main neighborhoods of the cities of Oiapoque (Brazil) and Saint-Georges-de-l'Oyapock (French Guiana), at the French Guiana - Brazil border. Fields: loc_name: Locality or neighborhood name, among {Benoá, Amomi, Manga, Kumenê, C...
Comma Separated Values - 2.7 KB - MD5: cb2ef106785f2d79cd38f797f5e6ec62
.csv text delimited file / semicolon-separated fields / Encoding: ISO-8859-1
Dec 2, 2024 - UMR CBGP
Destour, Giovanny; Kaufmann, Bernard; Centanni, Julia; Abdelli, Zaynab; Doums, Claudie; Dumet, Adeline; Gippet, Jérôme; Gomel, Luc; Lucas, Annick; Tauru, Hugo; Vergnes, Alan; Blatrix, Rumsais; Javal, Marion, 2024, "Genetic data (15 microsatellite markers) of native and invasive Tapinoma ant populations",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:q5eEgEKfpcGXc1406S53nA== [fileUNF]
The ants from the Tapinoma nigerrimun complex comprise four species, three of which (T. darioi, T. ibericum, T. magnum) exhibit biological and ecological characteristics of invasive ant species. The trade in ornamental plants is a common invasion pathway for many taxa, but its ro...
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