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41 to 50 of 81 Results
Jun 22, 2021Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab
Opération de recherche réalisée à Brakaguhé en 2016; enquête de terroir sociodémographique et foncière.
Jun 19, 2021 - Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab
ZUO Estelle, 2021, "Urbanisation en périphérie métropolitaine d'Abidjan, secteur Port-Bouët Grand-Bassam (2014-2019)",, DataSuds, V1
Cette opération de recherche correspond à une thèse produite sous le thème « Urbanisation en périphérie métropolitaine d'Abidjan, secteur Port-Bouët Grand-Bassam (2014-2019) ». Elle a été soutenue publiquement le 30 Avril 2021 par ZUO ESTELLE DIATE à l'Institut de Géographie Trop...
Jun 18, 2021 - Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab
KONE Hobela Denise, 2021, "Organisation spatiale de l'économie de l'attiéké dans le district d'Abidjan : opération de recherche 2020-2022",, DataSuds, V1
Cette opération de recherche correspond à la réalisation d'une thèse sous le thème « Organisation spatiale de l’économie de l’attiéké dans le District d’Abidjan » par KONE Hobela Petchokpan Denise à l'Institut de Géographie Tropicale de l'Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (IGT-UF...
Jun 18, 2021 - UMR Entropie
GARRIGUE, Claire; Derville, Solène, 2021, "Behavioral responses of humpback whales to biopsy sampling",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:ST9u33IHAV+zbr0Wh3w/Lw== [fileUNF]
Data used for the paper Garrigue & Derville on behavioral responses of humpback whales to biopsy sampling
Jun 17, 2021
Local Heritage and Governance (Patrimoines Locaux et Gouvernance) The research unit PALOC is interested in the processes of patrimonialisation in the countries of the South and in the governance associated with them, by privileging the logics of the local actors, in resonance wit...
Jun 15, 2021 - Data collected as part of M-TROPICS - UMR GET
Nakhle, Paty; Boithias, Laurie; Pando-Bahuon, Anne; Thammahacksa, Chanthamousone; Gallion, Nicolas; Sounyafong, Phabvilay; Silvera, Norbert; Latsachack, Keooudone; Soulileuth, Bounsamay; Rochelle-Newall, Emma; Marcangeli, Yoan; Pierret, Alain; Ribolzi, Olivier, 2021, "Concentrations of Escherichia coli, total suspended sediment, and dissolved organic carbon, turbidity, and environmental variables measured in 2019 in a headwater wetland in the Houay Pano catchment, northern Lao PDR",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:d8uzxIHWh1R+yXoLlxphpg== [fileUNF]
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Lao PDR, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the Multiscale TROPIcal C...
Jun 3, 2021 - Data collected as part of M-TROPICS - UMR GET
Chanhphengxay, Alounsavath; Phommasack, Ty; Valentin, Christian, 2021, "Soil map of the Houay Pano catchment, northern Lao PDR (1998)",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Lao PDR, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the Multiscale TROPIcal C...
Jun 3, 2021 - Data collected as part of M-TROPICS - UMR GET
Boithias, Laurie; Ribolzi, Olivier; Phachomphon, Kongkeo; Phommasack, Ty; Valentin, Christian; Sipaseuth, Nivong, 2021, "Sub-catchments boundaries of the Houay Pano catchment, northern Lao PDR",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset has been collected thanks to the long-term partnership with Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALaM), Lao PDR, which granted the permission for field access, and to the financial, scientific, technical, and/or logistical support of the Multiscale TROPIcal C...
UMR GET logo
Jun 3, 2021
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse Le GET est un laboratoire de recherche fondamentale et appliquée de plus de 165 permanents (environ 250 personnes avec les étudiants, post-doctorants, personnels sous contrat à durée déterminée, etc.). Il est membre de l’Observatoire Midi-Pyréné...
Thesis : Embankment as a carbon sink(IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development)
May 12, 2021Cas d'étude du projet ANR-BRIDGE
A study on carbon sequestration pathways and mechanisms in topsoil and exposed subsoil data taken from the TALVEG 2 experiment
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