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21 to 30 of 628 Results
R Data - 67.7 MB - MD5: b74918a58ce410b7a974c91feef60e5f
Tabular Data - 5.3 KB - 21 Variables, 46 Observations - UNF:6:wJAa4RpHAGXPzCZNiLe5mw==
Tabular Data - 6.1 KB - 21 Variables, 45 Observations - UNF:6:G4smZtHHqzhLsrPQUKUTiA==
Tabular Data - 8.1 KB - 21 Variables, 47 Observations - UNF:6:Pm50TL5nIDe616OFrqzvIg==
Tabular Data - 939 B - 5 Variables, 8 Observations - UNF:6:dyGQe7mTss4FO+8xYhWzng==
Raster attribute table, including definitions of the land cover classes in English and French (data dictionary) (csv format)
Tabular Data - 3.2 KB - 5 Variables, 12 Observations - UNF:6:61edxILjibjsFUIsW2rSMw==
Raster attribute table, including definitions of the land cover classes in english and french (data dictionary) (csv format)
Tabular Data - 3.6 KB - 5 Variables, 16 Observations - UNF:6:Za76Bf94GJi94DfDMXAtgw==
Raster attribute table, including definitions of the land cover classes in English and French (data dictionary) (csv format)
Plain Text - 1.8 KB - MD5: a65fc6175e1fa1fca74e41a9e2245ee4
Dataset citation and description.
Adobe PDF - 38.1 KB - MD5: fe2e50533add2a47a723770d2f1abf52
Balabio Sperm whale - Cachalot
ZIP Archive - 950.8 KB - MD5: 20ea9d931c5562d6cb14d6417d08109b
Kouaoua Minke whale - Petit rorqual antarctique
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