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1 to 10 of 263 Results
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
ZIP Archive - 442.1 MB - MD5: 97e34b55bea7b31ca0047afcd1ceb41e
Mar 10, 2025 - Output for Grannot
ZIP Archive - 409.4 MB - MD5: 6c74d159afe87099e500fcdf2fc6180a
ZIP Archive - 144.4 KB - MD5: f34e84d2783dc469e0c5c931026789db
This file contains five individual interview transcripts from Ashaiman Municipal District in the Greater Accra Region. Data is restricted and can be shared upon a formal request for a relevant academic study after a period of embargo.
ZIP Archive - 281.1 KB - MD5: c4b88e400d3a27073bb0f2a21276d0af
This file contains nine individual interview transcripts from La-Nkwantanang-Madina Municipal District in the Greater Accra Region. Data is restricted and can be shared upon a formal request for a relevant academic study after a period of embargo.
ZIP Archive - 178.9 KB - MD5: 3646a5ba0afda25a9531f2334cc6d8cb
This file contains six individual interview transcripts from Ningo-Prampram Municipal District in the Greater Accra Region. Data is restricted and can be shared upon a formal request for a relevant academic study after a period of embargo.
Gzip Archive - 1.1 MB - MD5: bc6510f78ec618f109176c5fe50af059
Gzip Archive - 2.6 MB - MD5: b73545eceb21b497e2aaec4592a05382
ZIP Archive - 3.4 MB - MD5: 3122f157092c54854d99dd0d212b76fc
Répertoire des stations hydrometriques du fleuve Niger : contours des sous-bassins, débits mensuels issus du système d'informations SIEREM
ZIP Archive - 1.5 MB - MD5: a78c2c1cff9a1f87958682c3ef05062e
Couche du réseau hydrographique du bassin du fleuve Niger
ZIP Archive - 10.9 KB - MD5: 75dd1b0d7887978acd06275d32e9e27f
- Catchment boundaries in shapefile format (contours de sous-bassins des 5 stations hydrometriques du bassin versant du Haho au Togo) and -Monthly discharge (in l/s) data available issued from SIEREM in .txt format (débits mensuels (l/s) issus du système d'informations SIEREM (.t...
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