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51 to 60 of 685 Results
Tabular Data - 1.2 MB - 2 Variables, 52731 Observations - UNF:6:/Ifbis4CuQ/fva2GI9r1Ng==
Water level data recorded at the western end of Prek Chann.
Tabular Data - 1.1 MB - 2 Variables, 48100 Observations - UNF:6:I2erMJHH1Qh2gzXA9PiDGA==
Water level data recorded by the logger in Prek Touch at the bridge.
Tabular Data - 2.4 MB - 2 Variables, 86595 Observations - UNF:6:SAEcZaOwXYI2EZZhc63SlQ==
Water level recorded in a canal at the bridge in the West of the study area.
Tabular Data - 63.2 KB - 12 Variables, 991 Observations - UNF:6:tYjPRC+7QtofbntNDrvM9Q==
Diagnostic test for antibody responses to Loa loa and Onchocerca volvulus infections in Congo
Tabular Data - 72.0 KB - 18 Variables, 368 Observations - UNF:6:igBoww0d9b4MIhbi7Laccg==
BLUEs of ion content measured in brown grains (BR) and white grains (WR) in the 184 genotypes of the Vietnamese rice collection.
Tabular Data - 190.4 KB - 26 Variables, 1104 Observations - UNF:6:vayqX0fWMjZtqvZmRl3F3Q==
Raw dataset of ion content measured in brown grains (BR) and white grains (WR) in the 184 genotypes of the Vietnamese rice collection.
Tabular Data - 13.3 KB - 8 Variables, 184 Observations - UNF:6:TLrs80WpaU6/uJ3IIAHO8A==
Passport data of the different genotypes present in the Vietnamese rice collection.
Tabular Data - 855 B - 3 Variables, 37 Observations - UNF:6:16TZwhPe8rEB4bTdEMzeVA==
Description of the different variables present in the dataset.
Tabular Data - 149.9 KB - 16 Variables, 743 Observations - UNF:6:K1riTjZfZ2JVAxPfqWcO3g==
Base de donnée (localité-coordonnées GPS-enquête ethno-dendrométrie-matériel végétal) pour étude de la diversité génétique de Canarium en Afrique and Data dictionary
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