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1 to 10 of 615 Results
Tabular Data - 259.9 KB - 6 Variables, 10506 Observations - UNF:6:tqkmhZPx/qJ/AQogYLZUNw==
Revisiting the Loa loa microfilaremia thresholds above which serious adverse events may occur with ivermectin treatment
ZIP Archive - 144.4 KB - MD5: f34e84d2783dc469e0c5c931026789db
This file contains five individual interview transcripts from Ashaiman Municipal District in the Greater Accra Region. Data is restricted and can be shared upon a formal request for a relevant academic study after a period of embargo.
ZIP Archive - 281.1 KB - MD5: c4b88e400d3a27073bb0f2a21276d0af
This file contains nine individual interview transcripts from La-Nkwantanang-Madina Municipal District in the Greater Accra Region. Data is restricted and can be shared upon a formal request for a relevant academic study after a period of embargo.
ZIP Archive - 178.9 KB - MD5: 3646a5ba0afda25a9531f2334cc6d8cb
This file contains six individual interview transcripts from Ningo-Prampram Municipal District in the Greater Accra Region. Data is restricted and can be shared upon a formal request for a relevant academic study after a period of embargo.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 15.9 KB - MD5: 4aa9cc80030e014c3c11ae1e4fd91771
Tracé du bassin versant d'Ambouli, Djibouti format shape pour logiciel SIG
Tabular Data - 27.4 KB - 13 Variables, 318 Observations - UNF:6:dFCLcW0hIoweFRZXnUre5Q==
File containing 'Absence' events in long format
Tabular Data - 69.5 KB - 14 Variables, 590 Observations - UNF:6:KsyMzOWdFmTg5IqD70Qiuw==
File containing 'Arthalgia' events in long format
Tabular Data - 37.0 KB - 7 Variables, 991 Observations - UNF:6:uIzri/nwGgE5Jup+He9G2w==
File containing the covariates (age, sex, biologic results) used in the frailty analysis in wide format
Tabular Data - 27.2 KB - 13 Variables, 284 Observations - UNF:6:Iumba8EBvPLihiiBMY213A==
File containing 'Eyeworm' events in long format
Tabular Data - 29.0 KB - 17 Variables, 228 Observations - UNF:6:/Jlkuj59CZ9P6Fostsl31A==
File containing 'Oedema' events in long format
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