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71 to 80 of 759 Results
Dec 19, 2022 - DYNADIV Team
Cisse, Aby; Clermont-Dauphin, Cathy; Sall, Saidou Nourou; Ndir, Khadidiatou; Kane, Ndjido Ardo; Renard, Delphine; Violle, Cyrille; Barnaud, Adeline; Berthouly-Salazar, Cecile, 2022, "Data for: Varietal mixtures of Sahelian smallholders conciliate enhanced yield and agrobiodiversity conservation",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:jEDyzHjdv0cMJIPXU7rROw== [fileUNF]
This study was co-designed with farmers’ organizations in Senegal with the aim of assessing the impacts of the mixing of early- and late-flowering pearl millet landraces (Cenchrus americanus) on in situ yield, i.e. in poor soil conditions with limited fertilization on smallholder...
Tabular Data - 6.1 KB - 1 Variables, 120 Observations - UNF:6:kVJeBx2o7n2Ivo2oIfE5nw==
Grain yield and fodder yield for each landrace per repetition
Tabular Data - 1.4 KB - 1 Variables, 30 Observations - UNF:6:934e90kSsr/w67IBQ4eeFg==
Soil measures for the two villages: NO3,NH4,N,C,C/N,P and pH
Tabular Data - 32.9 KB - 1 Variables, 225 Observations - UNF:6:lGEnoGrgCkL1cTX9nVuCSA==
14 traits measured for each landrace per repetition
Dec 19, 2022 - TrEMOLO software - Data and codes
SABOT, Francois; MOHAMED, Mourdas, 2022, "v2.2-beta1 version used for the publication data of TrEMOLO",, DataSuds, V2
This dataset is the locked software version used for the publication of TrEMOLO. It represents the v2.2-beta1 version
Markdown Text - 21.3 KB - MD5: 1e7c5b492edcbc27ce15f9432630984a
All the codes used for simulating the genomes and so on
Dec 19, 2022 - TrEMOLO software - Data and codes
SABOT, Francois; MOHAMED, Mourdas, 2022, "Replication data for simulated reads for S1, S2 and S3 genomes for the TrEMOLO paper",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset contains the simulated reads used to validate TrEMOLO. The reads were created using DeeepSimulator v1.5 ( using the options -B 2 -K n -l 20000.
ZIP Archive - 45.7 MB - MD5: fbd89eded443d033208d613612c46542
Dec 16, 2022 - TrEMOLO software - Data and codes
SABOT, Francois; MOHAMED, Mourdas, 2022, "Simulated genome sequences for replication control for TrEMOLO",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset contains the simulated genomes based on the G0-F100 initial sequence including the INSIDERs and OUTSIDERs simulated insertions.
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