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71 to 80 of 703 Results
Adobe PDF - 2.7 MB - MD5: aa266d674d67af3dc2dccdde54d27fb2
Protocole du projet, version 5.0
Adobe PDF - 2.7 MB - MD5: 66fc95c002c24238a20ecc0263bac2e3
Questionnaires et fiches cliniques utilisés pour la collecte de données
Adobe PDF - 478.0 KB - MD5: 4817f70181be2025e10fe0c7b481ffdc
Liste des tables analytiques et dictionnaire des variables
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 20.8 MB - MD5: 71adfcaf96c326c18b9e34b238205f38
Global SSR markers sequences result by QDD software for individual CS19_ARM325 in Canarium schweinfurthii and Data dictionary
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 25.2 MB - MD5: 3acb3e2d24fa603b354e1636eb35c332
Global SSR markers sequences result by QDD software for individual CS45_ARM326 in Canarium schweinfurthii and Data dictionary
Adobe PDF - 399.2 KB - MD5: 2ba133b9c718346b6c3e31690b1a2437
Data dictionary
Adobe PDF - 7.9 MB - MD5: 2dd3020aec38d10667946bb511c1c8a8
Photographic atlas of food portion sizes and household measures used in Niamey
Adobe PDF - 10.3 MB - MD5: c4c4ab6f13f5cda72d2b38714c535a83
Photographic atlas of food portion sizes and household measures used in Ouagadougou
Adobe PDF - 376.5 KB - MD5: 9dc58741a77eb476a1fac3541643d218
Process of soil water capacities (Water Holding Capacity - WHC) from the FAO soil map. Calcul des capacités en eau des sols (Water Holding Capacity - WHC) à partir de la carte des sols de la FAO
Adobe PDF - 260.1 KB - MD5: 595eed40330027ead7d6f5b3942a51bb
Notice for the contents of the datasets and description of the files Gridded data, monthly flow rates, GIS layers
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