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671 to 679 of 679 Results
Adobe PDF - 81.4 KB - MD5: 0e8500cc3f9e2060ccc0bd6ca8c99986
Detailed description of the dataset, in English
ZIP Archive - 213.9 KB - MD5: 4288be6f0763234a9becf9bd6f10d2f4
Licenses for the 400 annotations per geographic zones (based on the original licenses specified per image), CSV format.
Plain Text - 1.7 KB - MD5: adddf89525947a701c5725394ff712fb
Dataset citation and summary
Jan 4, 2023 - UMR iEES-Paris
Mahuzier, C.; Bodo, B.S; Maman Sani, A.; Hamissou, A.C, 2023, "Random Forest classification of land cover from Sentinel satellite images in 2021 for the Agro2Ecos project area, Maradi, Niger",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset was acquired using the combination of Sentinel-1 radar and Sentinel-2 optical image time series with indices (BI2, NDVI, MSAVI2, NDII). A total of 112 sentinel images were acquired in 2021 allowing a coherent and reliable mapping of land use in relation to the croppi...
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 3.9 KB - MD5: 8e23d0e46aaba67679233f8cb36f0fe2
calculation of areas in ha for each class
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 50.8 MB - MD5: 4530d0fa764f5bd1d09ea41fc83df8eb
shapefile of land cover classes
ZIP Archive - 18.8 KB - MD5: 59039b329ca3c2c7c0d372848b271f53
qml files for each class of the land cover
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