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251 to 260 of 318 Results
Plain Text - 1.9 MB - MD5: 7c56cb8d09822cb707f57237ff14dac3
List of SNPs that are independent
Tabular Data - 292 B - 2 Variables, 4 Observations - UNF:6:kQqY9krIhjhHel4jvtuOag==
Raw data of ion content in leaf in pearl millet
Tabular Data - 292 B - 2 Variables, 4 Observations - UNF:6:JIyi0lCYwZZexIXMR0Bn5A==
Raw data of ion content in leaf in pearl millet
MS Word - 15.8 KB - MD5: dabb710bd8e7887d40d12df2370f8fb4
text/vcard - 637.7 MB - MD5: 2e19a54384d3913873558ad6f833d9ff
Filtered SNPs from GBS genotyping (file used for pruning)
Tabular Data - 1.2 KB - 3 Variables, 44 Observations - UNF:6:6gtf1TyKWj5epK5wWgpcUQ==
Data dictionary
Plain Text - 5.5 KB - MD5: e056720a5486b5f6dc4d394025c36b98
Dataset citation, description and terms of use
Plain Text - 792 B - MD5: 58731d81bc0bf19bf2291cdaef04f070
R script used to remove non-independent SNPs from the vcf
Plain Text - 31.7 KB - MD5: 2fe1a762a84469f22831013acb1fc369
Residuals of the linear regression between individual ion concentrations (BLUEs) and flowering time measured under the well-watered treatment in 2021
Plain Text - 31.8 KB - MD5: fa5e3adc5157d85417597c57f1f464dc
Residuals of the linear regression between individual ion concentrations (BLUEs) and flowering time measured under the well-watered treatment in 2022
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