251 to 260 of 263 Results
ZIP Archive - 944.3 KB -
MD5: bd5265d4a84d85a6bc13f363e8f5cb1f
Compressed directory containing svg image files displaying InterProScan results along xisRNA overlapping loci protein product sequences |
ZIP Archive - 1.8 MB -
MD5: 5350dacb2c14b070cd1cac19066692b4
Raw output files of the InterProScan search on xisRNA overlapping loci protein product sequences |
Feb 22, 2021 -
ADHI: African Database of Hydrometric Indices
ZIP Archive - 8.2 MB -
MD5: fba69af70f59b4142dce1aae30fac500
Catchment boundaries, in shapefile format (one .shp file per basin). The coordinate system is WGS84. |
ZIP Archive - 292.5 MB -
MD5: 9f7291811eedd0b03d410035f24ae59c
Fasta file for InpactorDB V2. Redundant database of LTR retrotransposons. |
Jan 19, 2021 -
ADHI: African Database of Hydrometric Indices
ZIP Archive - 472.3 KB -
MD5: c301636d7d47bae697d83fa418c36e7f
Time series for annual minimum of 7-day discharge, one file per station. Columns are the year, month, day and the data as the last column |
Jan 19, 2021 -
ADHI: African Database of Hydrometric Indices
ZIP Archive - 473.8 KB -
MD5: 217b980f7642ff7f5d1cbf0d15cd4206
Time series for annual maximum runoff, one file per station. Columns are the year, month, day and the data as the last column |
Jan 19, 2021 -
ADHI: African Database of Hydrometric Indices
ZIP Archive - 425.6 KB -
MD5: 8f7bbbe3105d31fa3c91c33004b8540f
Time series for mean annual runoff, one file per station. Columns are the year, month, day and the data as the last column |
Jan 19, 2021 -
ADHI: African Database of Hydrometric Indices
ZIP Archive - 946.9 KB -
MD5: 8dde72332dc5acc07b0abd041323db53
Annual values for the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th 75th, 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles of daily streamflow, one file per station. The year is the first column and then the other columns contain the percentile values.
Jan 19, 2021 -
ADHI: African Database of Hydrometric Indices
ZIP Archive - 119.0 MB -
MD5: ab14739062f021a026a33475da511ef1
Plots of the catchment area for each basin, in .PNG format |
Jan 19, 2021 -
ADHI: African Database of Hydrometric Indices
ZIP Archive - 33.9 MB -
MD5: 9cddc3c5864bda46f30cc2125cb91ba3
Plots of the daily discharge data available for each station. |