291 to 300 of 339 Results
Oct 26, 2020 - UMR AMAP
POUTEAU, ROBIN; et al., 2020, "Global maps of habitat suitability probability for 1,485 European endemic plant species", https://doi.org/10.23708/RNGS8Z, DataSuds, V1
This dataset includes 1,485 raster files (.gri format) representing global maps of habitat suitability probability for the most widespread European endemic plant species. 272 species are already recorded as naturalized outside Europe and 1,213 species are not yet recorded as natu... |
Oct 2, 2020 - Project ANR PI2P
Rebaudo, Francois; Soulard, Titouan, 2020, "Design of the PI2Puino casing system: STL and SCAD 3d print models", https://doi.org/10.23708/XBJJPK, DataSuds, V1
The PI2Puino is an integrated board that includes a LoRa module (with an embedded antenna), an Arduino-compatible microcontroller and a battery holder. It allows gathering on-site measurements and sending them to a gateway. It was designed specifically for the PI2P project. These... |
Oct 2, 2020 - Project ANR PI2P
Soulard, Titouan; Rebaudo, Francois, 2020, "Design of the PI2Puino integrated board: Gerber files", https://doi.org/10.23708/13OVHV, DataSuds, V1
The PI2Puino is an Arduino-like integrated board which allows to gather on-site measurements and send them to a gateway. It was designed specifically for the PI2P project. The PI2Puino includes a LoRa module (with an embedded antenna), an Arduino-compatible microcontroller and a... |
Sep 23, 2020 - UMR iEES-Paris
Huong T. Le; Cuong T. Ho; Quan H. Trinh; Duc A. Trinh; Minh T. N. Luu; Hai S. Tran; Orange, D.; Janeau, J.-L.; Merroune, A.; Rochelle-Newall, E.; Pommier, T., 2020, "Dataset from an in-field experimental rainfall simulation and aquatic mesocosm - Vietnam, Hanoi Province, Dong Cao and Cua Khau Lake, 2012", https://doi.org/10.23708/SVHIUC, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:PLsbMub7iE/vkMMtCIpyLw== [fileUNF]
In North Vietnam, we focused on understanding the effects of DOC runoff from soils amended with compost, vermicompost, or biochar on the aquatic microbial community of a tropical reservoir. Runoff collected from a series of rainfall simulations on soils amended with different org... |
Sep 18, 2020 - CERES Team
Faye, Awa; Chopart, Jean-Louis; Sine, Bassirou; Grondin, Alexandre; Laplaze, Laurent, 2019, "Racine 2.2", https://doi.org/10.23708/CKRDBW, DataSuds, V2, UNF:6:fVTiCa1QVm8CD3Jna7gAdg== [fileUNF]
RACINE2.2 est une application de traitement de données racinaires fondée sur des comptages, sur le terrain, d’impacts de racine au travers d’une grille placée sur un profil de sol. Cette méthode permet de mesurer les intersections entre un plan représenté par ce profil de sol et... |
Sep 2, 2020 - CERES Team
Grondin, Alexandre; Affortit, Pablo; Tranchant-Dubreuil, Christine; De La Fuente Canto, Carla; Mariac, Cedric; Gantet, Pascal; Vadez, Vincent; Vigouroux, Yves; Laplaze, Laurent, 2020, "Aquaporins in Pearl Millet: genomic, coding and protein sequences", https://doi.org/10.23708/WVCG5O, DataSuds, V1
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.) is a key cereal for food security in arid and semi-arid regions but its yield is increasingly threatened by water stress. Physiological mechanisms consisting in saving water or increasing water use efficiency can alleviate that stress.... |
Aug 24, 2020 - Dietary transitions in African Cities: TACLED project
Pradeilles, Rebecca; Laar, Amos; Wanjohi, Milkah; Tandoh, Akua; Green, Mark; Asiki, Gershim; Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth; Griffiths, Paula; Holdsworth, Michelle, 2020, "Food and beverage consumption and routines of adolescents and adults in Ghana and Kenya", https://doi.org/10.23708/S0Q2QX, DataSuds, V1
Food intake was assessed using qualitative 24hr recall (food type information only, not quantity consumed). In 2017, interviewers noted all food and drink consumed by participants inside/outside the home in the previous 24hr period, also recording how long a food event lasts (tim... |
Aug 3, 2020 - UMR AMAP
Sirri, Nelly F.; Libalah, Moses B.; Momo, Stephane T.; Ploton, Pierre; Medjibe, Vincent; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Mofack II., Gislain; Sonké, Bonaventure; Barbier, Nicolas, 2020, "Data from: Allometric models to estimate leaf area for tropical African broadleaved forests", https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.63cj030, DataSuds, V1
Direct and semi-direct estimations of leaf area (LA) and leaf area index (LAI) are scarce in dense tropical forests despite the importance of such measurements to calibrate remote-sensing products, forest dynamics and biogeochemical models (e.g. Dynamic Global Vegetation Models).... |
Aug 3, 2020 - UMR AMAP
PLOTON, Pierre; MORTIER, Frédéric; BARBIER, Nicolas; CORNU, Guillaume; REJOU-MECHAIN, Maxime; ROSSI, Vivien; ALONSO, Alfonso; BASTIN, Jean-François; BAYOL, Nicolas; BISSIENGOU, Pulchérie; CHUYONG, Georges; DOUCET, Jean-Louis; DROISSART, Vincent; KAMDEM, Narcisse Guy; KENFACK, David; MEMIAGHE, Hervé; MOSES, Libalah; SONKE, Bonaventure; TEXIER, Nicolas; THOMAS, Duncan; ZEBAZE, Donatien; PELISSIER, Raphaël; GOURLET-FLEURY, Sylvie, 2020, "A 1-km resolution dataset of African humid tropical forests aboveground biomass derived from management inventories", https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11865450, DataSuds, V1
The CoFor-AGB dataset is distributed as a four layers GeoTIFF file. The file projection system is World Mercator (EPSG: 3395). Layers’ information are provided below. Layer 1: Mean pixel AGB (in Mg.ha-1) Layer 2: Number of field plots within the pixel Layer 3: Mean date of plots... |
Jul 30, 2020 - Senegal
Garenne, Michel; Cantrelle, Pierre, 2020, "Données anthropométriques des enfants de 0-12 ans recueillies lors de l’enquête MISOES dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal en 1957-1958", https://doi.org/10.23708/UGO8J6, DataSuds, V1
L'anthropométrie des enfants de moins de 12 ans a été étudiée lors de l'enquête à objectifs multiples de la moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal (MISOES), conduite en 1957-1958. Cette enquête nutritionnelle portait sur deux échantillons représentatifs, l'un en milieu urbain (770 enfa... |