81 to 90 of 91 Results
Mar 14, 2022 - Savane de Lamto - LMI Ecologie et Développement Durable
Koffi, K.F.; N’Dri, A.B.; Lata, J-C.; Konaté, S.; Srikanthasamy, T.; Konaré, S.; Konan, M.; Barot, S., 2022, "Mortality of the Lamto (Ivory Coast) humid savanna perennial grass species between 2015 to 2016 according to the circumference of individuals and different fire regimes", https://doi.org/10.23708/SDFM1Q, DataSuds, V1
These data represent the mortality of tussocks of perennial grass submitted since 2013 to four fire treatments: no fire, early fire (November fire), mid-season fire (January fire) and fire late (March fire). They were collected in 2016, on individuals previously marked in 2015, o... |
Mar 9, 2022 - ECOTERM
Audibert, M.; Marchand, S., 2022, "Household survey for the economic assessment of ecosystem services provided by termite mounds in Southeast Asia (Laos, Cambodia)", https://doi.org/10.23708/ICVWKQ, DataSuds, V1
Household survey to assess the economic benefits of termite mounds in Laos and Cambodia. |
Mar 3, 2022UMR MoISA
All datasets listed and linked below are harvested from the collection "UMR MOISA" of the repository "CIRAD Dataverse". These datasets were curated by CIRAD Dataverse support team. |
Feb 16, 2022 - ECOTERM
Zaiss, R.; Muon, R.; Ann, V.; Jouquet, P., 2022, "Orthomosaic of aerial photographs acquired by IGN in 1953, Stung Chrey Bak Catchment, Cambodia", https://doi.org/10.23708/HAYFVO, DataSuds, V1
This dataset holds an orthomosaic of 69 aerial photographs acquired by IGN in 1953 under the missions Indochine 094 and 074. The dataset covers the middle and lower part of Stung Chrey Bak Catchment in Cambodia. We orthorectified the scanned images using ground control points fro... |
Feb 15, 2022 - UMR QualiSud
Ngigi, Peter Biu; Termote, Céline; Amiot, Marie Josephe; Pallet, Dominique; Mouquet-Rivier, Claire, 2022, "Traditional fruit, vegetable and pulse species in Senegal, Ivory Coast, Benin, Ethiopia and Kenya", https://doi.org/10.23708/DLPAAL, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:Sjeynthju1sLcnDr4c6sJA== [fileUNF]
The dataset lists traditional species of fruit (256), vegetable (323) and pulse (50). The goal is gathering knowledge that could impulse projects that will contribute towards mainstreaming species with under-exploited potential in filling existing nutritional, income, and ecosyst... |
Feb 15, 2022 - UMR Entropie
Bonnin, Lucas; Annelise, Tran, 2022, "Climate-driven modelled densities of Aedes mosquitoes in Southeast Asia and future projections", https://doi.org/10.23708/NYX0NV, DataSuds, V1
Description of the model The model is described in Bonnin et al, Predicting the effects of climate change on dengue vectors densities in Southeast Asia through process-based modeling, submitted The original model was developped by Tran et al 2020 Tran, A. et al. Complementarity o... |
Feb 9, 2022
Development of an integrated approach for controlled and sustainable production of foods with optimum organoleptic, sanitary and nutritional properties QualiSud Joint Research Unit is specialized in the field of food processing. Its activities range from the post-harvest developm... |
Jan 27, 2022UMR AMAP
All digital objects listed and linked below are harvested from the collection "AMAP" of the repository "CIRAD Dataverse". These digital objects (datasets, codes, reports, ...) were curated by CIRAD Dataverse support team. |
Jan 24, 2022UMR AMAP
All digital objects listed and linked below are harvested from collections of the repository "Recherche Data Gouv" (including "AMAP" collection and others). These digital objects (datasets, codes, reports, guides, articles...) are provided as they are: they have not been reviewed... |
Jan 5, 2022 - Project ANR PI2P
Rebaudo, Francois; Callizaya Condori, Franz; Quispe Tarqui, Reinaldo, 2022, "Climatic dataset from PROINPA, Khipakhipani, La Paz, Bolivia, 2021", https://doi.org/10.23708/4YRZDJ, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:oAxkUn2xl4j2OwjMmjv42w== [fileUNF]
This dataset corresponds to climate data for the year 2021 at Fundación PROINPA, Khipakhipani, La Paz, Bolivia. The data includes temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure in three separate CSV files with approximately one measurement every minute. The first column ind... |