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671 to 680 of 703 Results
MS Word - 33.5 KB - MD5: 6f510f36b911407d055c30bd875a3a5c
Interview guide used with participants in the Photovoice activity in Kenya
Adobe PDF - 311.6 KB - MD5: 05665e984c23630ac0416d3cb646084d
Interview guide used with participants in the Photovoice activity in Kenya
Adobe PDF - 528.8 KB - MD5: ace4e042f8eaa2a05b92e43f0eb147fd
Tool used to collect data on food outlets and advertisements (blank form)
Adobe PDF - 1.4 MB - MD5: c1952b1d7a18560a44cc5d6ba1ee6683
Technical report of mapping of evidence of policy activity to prevent non-communicable diseases
Adobe PDF - 53.5 MB - MD5: 7fd47f8e5dfa6437d770a32f4c830518
Technical report
Adobe PDF - 7.5 MB - MD5: 57739c1eaa5312617fecc886f63232fe
Analysis INRA
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 1.3 MB - MD5: 0a821081a10ccd937095f163d4a35369
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