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51 to 60 of 79 Results
Jun 22, 2023 - Microplastic in Aquatic Environments
Trinh-Dang, Mau; Tran-Nguyen, Quynh Anh; Vo, Van Minh; Nguyen, Hoai Nhu Y; Strady, Emilie, 2023, "Microplastic concentrations in surface water and sediment of Thuan An and Tra Khuc estuaries in Central Vietnam, 2021",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:R6mBAnQHT7BKPfO7rUJ2tQ== [fileUNF]
Microplastic concentrations (300-5000µm) in surface water and sediment were investigated in two estuaries in Central Vietnam: Thuan An Estuary (Thua Thien Hue Province) and Tra Khuc Estuary (Quang Ngai Province) in April 2021. Microplastics in water were sampled using a stainless...
Jun 9, 2023 - Porpoises genetics and genomics
Louis, Marie; Korlević, Petra; Nykänen, Milaja; Archer, Frederick; Berrow, Simon; Brownlow, Andrew; Lorenzen, Eline; O'brien, Joanne; Post, Klaas; Racimo, Fernando; Rogan, Emer; Rosel, Patricia; Sinding, Mikkel; Van Der Es, Henry; Wales, Nathan; Fontaine, Michael C.; Gaggiotti, Oscar; Foote, Andrew, 2023, "Replication data and scripts for: Ancient dolphin genomes reveal rapid repeated adaptation to coastal waters",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset includes the data and scripts supporting the replicability of the paper: Louis M.*, Korlević P.*, Nykänen M.*, Archer F., Berrow S., Brownload A., Lorenzen E. D., O’Brien J., Post K., Racimo F., Rogan E., Rosel P. E., Sinding M.-H. S., van der Es H., Wales N., Fontai...
Jun 8, 2023 - REACT Project
Taconet, Paul; Soma, Diloma Dieudonné; Zogo, Barnabas; Mouline, Karine; Simard, Frédéric; Koffi Amanan, Alphonsine; Dabiré, Roch Kounbobr; Pennetier, Cédric; Moiroux, Nicolas, 2023, "Supplementary information for: Physiological and behavioural resistance of malaria vectors in rural West-Africa: a data mining study to adress their fine-scale spatiotemporal heterogeneity, drivers, and predictability",, DataSuds, V2, UNF:6:/NwlGlNxXljdkOBTx0CO6Q== [fileUNF]
This archive is the supplementary material accompanying the manuscript "Physiological and behavioural resistance of malaria vectors in rural West-Africa: a data mining study to adress their fine-scale spatiotemporal heterogeneity, drivers, and predictability" by Paul Taconet, Die...
Jun 1, 2023 - UMR MIVEGEC
Moiroux, Nicolas; Bio-Bangana, Sahabi, 2023, "Land use land cover high resolution map (10 m) for the area of Tori-Bossito, Benin, 2010-2011",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset is a high spatial resolution Land Use / Land Cover (LULC) map of the region of Tori-Bossito, southern Benin. Its spatial resolution is 10 m. It was produced in 2011 and made available for a wide range of uses. It has been produced to study the environmental determina...
May 31, 2023 - UMR Entropie
Herinirina, Patricia; Léopold, Marc; Frouin, Patrick; Bigot, Lionel; Randriatsara, Roddy Michel, 2023, "Seagrass macroinvertebrate bycatches of the mosquito net trawl fishery in the Bay of Toliara, Madagascar (2018-2019): survey data and code",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:IHdA2gxWS5gA5D4vJ4HhSg== [fileUNF]
The bay of Toliara (Madagascar) shelters diverse macroinvertebrate communities in seagrass beds. This study aims to improve the knowledge of the diversity, abundance, and socioeconomic role of the seagrass macrobenthos in that area. We studied the mosquito net trawl fishery in se...
May 24, 2023 - DYNADIV Team
Silva, Alexander; Montoya, María Elker; Quintero, Constanza; Cuasquer, Juan; Tohme, Joe; Graterol, Eduardo; Cruz, Maribel; Lorieux, Mathias, 2023, "Genotypic and phenotypic data for Rice hoja blanca disease resistance QTL analysis",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:0DU/A3JpDpAzWfzkjq7pXA== [fileUNF]
These data can be used to search for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance to the Rice hoja blanca disease: - Genotypic matrices of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data in four independent F2, F3 segregating populations of rice (Oryza sativa L.) derived from resistan...
May 10, 2023
Laboratoire Mixte International CARIBACT Les pays de la Caraïbe partagent un domaine physiographique exposé à des menaces environnementales similaires. Le développement de solutions durables face à ces menaces doit s’appuyer sur un cadre de recherche et d’innovation solide, un dé...
May 4, 2023 - UMR LEMAR
Sardenne, Fany; Bodin, Nathalie; Médieu, Anaïs; Antha, Marisa; Arrisol, Rona; Le Grand, Fabienne; Bideau, Antoine; Munaron, Jean-Marie; Le Loc'h, François; Chassot, Emmanuel, 2023, "Benefit-risk associated with the consumption of fish bycatch from tropical tuna fisheries (Seychelles, 2018): sample fish data",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:BKrTDzgFs4D/ZzjJynKwwg== [fileUNF]
This dataset compiles the data used in the paper "Benefit-risk associated with the consumption of fish bycatch from tropical tuna fisheries”. The study aimed to assess the nutritional value of 20 pelagic fish species belonging to 10 families and caught as bycatch in tropical tuna...
May 3, 2023 - UMR ESPACE-DEV
Enguehard, Pauline; Frappart, Frédéric; Zeiger, Pierre; Blarel, Fabien; Satge, Frédéric; Bonnet, Marie-Paule, 2023, "Virtual water level stations in the Amazon floodplains measured by radar echoes classification",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:MEl7erA/2OZZ7MbVWo5szw== [fileUNF]
This dataset was obtained using altimetry data, from CTOH (Center for Topographic studies of the Ocean and Hydrosphere,, of the ENVISAT (2002-2010) and SARAL (2013-2016) satellite missions acquired over the Curuai floodplain along the Amazon and the...
Apr 21, 2023 - OryzaGenomeData
SABOT, Francois, 2023, "Caiapo genome",, DataSuds, V1
This data are the draft genome assembly of Caiapo and its annotation transferred from IRGSP1.0/Nipponbare reference genome. Caiapo is a Oryza sativa variety involved in some CSSL crosses (2023-04-21)
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