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61 to 70 of 685 Results
Tabular Data - 10.6 KB - 33 Variables, 13 Observations - UNF:6:cv2l+MtRlI/T94YdUbN/Yg==
Canarium schweinfurthii 13 SSR markers sequences selected and Data dictionary
Tabular Data - 17.0 KB - 17 Variables, 98 Observations - UNF:6:TgrHkODwYLaJymMpkX/atg==
Datta of 13 SSR markers amplication on 98 individuals selected from geneious software and Data dictionary
Tabular Data - 73.4 KB - 23 Variables, 689 Observations - UNF:6:Dv/2oGAAKuanCpyROcPEkQ==
Genetic data with 9 microsatellite markers for Tuta absoluta
Tabular Data - 101.6 KB - 25 Variables, 690 Observations - UNF:6:XK3VpHfgUVTc8/msgmvxzg==
Original Excel data file : genetic data with 9 microsatellite markers for Tuta absoluta
Tabular Data - 6.3 MB - 22 Variables, 11857 Observations - UNF:6:YFLjZJ17YuP7+XSts6yrUQ==
The dataset corresponds to what was made available by the countries using the same collection method. The data table comprises 22 variables (in columns) and 11,858 DLRAs (in rows).
Tabular Data - 7.0 KB - 5 Variables, 142 Observations - UNF:6:5GHf/oRRquAFeU8gbioPxw==
Contains information about the various Coffea reference samples from international collections used in the study, including the accession code , the species or accession name and origin, as well as the institution that hosts the collection
Tabular Data - 460.6 KB - 86 Variables, 866 Observations - UNF:6:MU5AtJxYZNQIemBR43/J8Q==
Contains data from KASP genotyping of 80 core SNP for Haitian, Guadeloupean and reference samples of Coffee trees
Tabular Data - 13.7 KB - 63 Variables, 34 Observations - UNF:6:f+HXClTn/TUJ3oj+JiQGlA==
Contains data from Haitian and Guadeloupe canephora field samples (KASP targeted genotyping) and from wild C. canephora (DNA chip array, published by Mérot-l'Anthoëne et al, 2019)
Tabular Data - 4.5 KB - 46 Variables, 15 Observations - UNF:6:wqailoQGx0VAgAOPOWhA5A==
Contains data from KASP targeted genotyping of reference and Guadeloupean field samples of Coffea liberica, as well as two reference samples from each other species
Tabular Data - 5.8 KB - 2 Variables, 9 Observations - UNF:6:C+8gMYcWK/8iPVutLCKujw==
Original xls file with data and documentation
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